[hider=(Finished)] [center][color=maroon]Name[/color] [i][b]Shawn Farias[/b][/i] [/center] [center][color=maroon]Alias [/color] [i][b]Codex[/b][/i][/center] [center][color=maroon]Age[/color] [i][b]22[/b][/i][/center] [center][color=maroon]Gender[/color] [i][b]Male[/b][/i][/center] [center][color=maroon]Sexuality [/color] [i][b]Pansexual [/b][/i][/center] [center][color=maroon]Appearance[/color] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/a46bd3cf1359b7b3a1a5307d577f57f9/tumblr_mnkfgcJHXU1raiix0o1_500.jpg[/img] [/center] [center][color=maroon]Powers[/color][/center] [hider= Ancient Knowledge] (Power): Markus has the ability of having knowledge that transcends his own life time and is smarter than most people with the exception of a couple handfuls. His knowledge comes from the great unknown but it is like a separate entity that lives within his mind, as upon extreme concentration he can actually appear in this place physically depicted as a large tower with shelves of book with an opening at the very top. The books represent all the available memories, information and knowledge he has from them and can access all of them, skimming through the books to find a relevant topic. The knowledge that he finds various as he can find topics of all kinds from regular science to ordinary books to read for pleasure. Among these books are that come from different dimensions as well and can be read if he can decipher the language that they are written in. This special power also allows him to age slower at a ratio of 3:1 making him able to live up to 300 years old if he doesnt die due by other means as he is not immortal (Weakness): The library that Markus ability has, is a living entity with sentience that knows how to protect itself and only concerns about itself when danger arrives. When appearing in this library, he basically disappears off the face of the earth and enters into another dimension inside his mind which disables all tracking device unless they can track through other dimensions. Also, when Markus tries entering into the library, it is an living entity as it is aware of his surroundings and will not allow it to enter in combat due to its protective nature about its knowledge. It is keen of forbidding the exposure of the knowledge that Markus reads and will do so by silencing him permanently by death if he ever tries. Upon any signs of mental intrusion from reality altering powers or from telepaths, the library will lock itself from everyone including Markus to protect itself until it feels safe. [/hider] [hider= Words of Power] (Power): Markus also wields the power to wield special words that can produce mundane effects when said in the ancient language that has long been forgotten on Earth. To use these words requires him to use something as a focus, which is most commonly his index finger and to verbally say these words to activate their effect. When used, only him and his target hear the original version of the word while on-lookers will hear these unique words in their own language that they are most familiar with. These words all come from the same language and are often the ancestors to all languages. Allowing him to translate writing from any kind of language with some time and dedication into something that he can read. (Weakness:) These words while powerful, drain a large amount of energy depending on the effect that is used but even then they are very energy consuming powers to use. When used these words drain his energy the second he says the last letter and if the energy isn't enough then the spell will simply fail due to the power needed to use them. Two outcomes happens to Markus if he fails to provide enough energy which leaves him very fatigued or passed out entirely from strain after small or medium power words or by death after him failing to have enough energy to provide to use a large power word. It is clearly shown that he cannot use these words of power nonchalantly as it drains his stamina fast with each one he uses and tries to sparingly use them while recovering in between uses if he can. [/hider] Bio: At an early age, Markus always traveled into his little library when he was a little child and read the tiny childish books that he found in the shelves. This was the first power that he discovered but upon learning how to write and read he soon discovered his other powers. Turning words into a weapon and shield for him and his experty only grew as he aged and increased his education both at school along with his library. He discovered what The Grinder was through the help of his library however finished his regular schooling before finally departing from his normal life with his friends and randomly appeared on campus on day. It was more of a precauction for him as he didn't want to abuse his powers or mishandle them which might end badly for him or his unfortunate victims. Coming to Grinder was the best choice after he finished high school with the majority of his grades being above average but could of been better if he put more commitment into school instead of reading all the time. [/hider]