[center][b][i]Leader of Zeus' Side[/i][/b] [img]http://cartoonbox.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/anime-girl-gold-eyes-anime-girl-with-black-hair-and-gold-eyes-images-pictures---becuo-image.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [color=darkgray]Blake Aven[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=darkgray]17[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] [color=darkgray]Female[/color] [b]# Of Years You've Attended CHB: [/b][color=darkgray]3[/color] [b]Godly Parent:[/b] [color=darkgray]Ares[/color] [b]Which Side You're On:[/b] [color=darkgray]Zeus[/color] [b]Skills:[/b] [color=darkgray]Blake is often confused for a child of Hades, due her odd power, but has the typical attributes associated with a child of the War God. She has a quick mind, comfortable coming up with impromptu battle tactics as well as leading groups of people and executing plans well. Her eyes and ears are sharp, she has amazing strength that surprises most due her thin frame, and has great skill in using all kinds of weapons from battle axes, to spears, and swords. Her prowess in fighting has only grown over her time living at the camp. Her ability to work well with actual weapons helps during the day when she cannot use her powers, at night however she is a ruthless fighter and creates anything she can think of to help decimate her enemies. As a result, she prefers to fight at night.[/color] [b]Powers:[/b] [color=darkgray] Blake can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. She can create, using shadows, constructs and weapons at virtually any size depending on how familiar she is with the object. She has the ability to quickly maneuver herself through massive distances via shadows and produce blankets of darkness that even the strongest light cannot pass through.[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=darkgray] [i]"I bear no ill will against my comrads of a different house. At the end of it all, I see every member of the Camp as my brothers and sisters no matter what lineage they come from. And just like any elder sister would do, I will toughen them all up with a little bit of tough love... and make warriors out of them yet."[/i] Blake is often described as wise beyond her years, often quoting members in history who won great things through the chaos of war. She is cunning but admits to her mistakes, rutheless and yet compassionate with others, she speaks and acts with the interests of all in her heart. A born leader, one might say. Within her reside two sides of a blade, the one that yearns for peace, and the one that craves the adrenaline during the heat of battle as if she were a walking contradiction. Blake has an obvious confidence and demanding personality that allows her to easily slip into the role of leader. There beneath her battle hardened exterior is a heart that feels for everyone who are in different or similar situations as her. Often times people feel comfortable enough around her to express their feelings. That is, until they get a whack on the head and a lesson in how all things happen for a reason. [/color] [b]History:[/b] [color=darkgray]Blake never knew her blood mother growing up, only the elderly couple that took her in at the young age of six. She never asked where her real parents were, though over time she learned that the pair who she lived with obviously didn't birth her. The pictures of other children who were all grown up led to her realization to that. She attended school when she was younger, but for a while, never spoke a word until about the age of ten. Blake loved to watch old plays and movies that replayed historic events in history, often mocking the characters until she adopted her way of talking as how they once did in the times of Shakespeare. Less dramatic of course, but obviously so. While in school she was picked on for being abnormally short and having trouble reading. Even at a young age, however, Blake took shit from no one, and would often get into fights when she was picked on or saw others being targeted. Eventually school was given up and she was taught how to read basic literature by her adopted parents. The did their best but her progress was slow as she learned better through seeing pictures rather than words. She learned to write and do mathematics at the level she was supposed to, always spent hours trying to unscramble the words in history books because it fascinated her... and for a time, her life was acceptable. Though there was something within her that yearned for more. When she learned of her powers and came to the Camp at age fourteen, she became obsessed with learning how to perfect her powers and hone her skills. She practiced navigation and map reading constantly, studied elevation and weather patterns, learned how to take all of it in and form the perfect battle strategy that could be changed and adapted to fit different situations. At night, she found the darkness gave her limitless energy, and that she could train and spar and train some more all night without exaustion until daybreak. She became proud with herself and her abilties, and then turned to the others, helping those in different houses as best she could so they could perform well in battle. She began to see life just as that. A long battle, and those around her were her allies. Until the Gods decided to have a petty fight and ruin things for them down there too.[/color] [/center]