She sat hunched over, chewing slowly with her eyes trained on the wooden table. Robin paid little attention as MC burst in the room and urged her to leave; the food was too warm, the drink was too soothing, and her mind was too full to react quickly. She reached for the loaf of bread to her right, as MC stood behind her, tense and ready to flee. As her fingers brushed the crust of the bread, it disappeared. Robin blinked and snapped back to attention, watching the young girl who she had seen at the clearing scarf down the loaf and take a swig of the pitcher. Crumbs flew and hit Robin in the face as she watched incredulously, regaining lucidity. How could she have been so inattentive? Robin leapt to her feet and put a hand on MC’s shoulder, nodding gratefully. [quote=Anise] "So, who are you and what are your goals?" [/quote] Unsettled by her lack of attention, Robin wanted to leave the copy of her home as quickly as possible. As she looked at the girl, she knew that she would be no threat and patted MC on the shoulder before heading out of the building. Any longer in the place so similar to home, Robin would have become nauseous. She stood outside and walked back to the riverbank, where she could observe the building and decided to wait briefly for MC, and thought about her next plan of action.