[@Skepic] [color=lightgray][i]"Well cyborg, it seems if our cowboy here doesn't hurry up, I might actually have something to do today instead of sitting around listening to nothing but Pferdescheiße. I guess this might be your lucky day to see a K99 Todesmaschine in action, ja? "Hey Cowboy! Might want to wrap up your saint of the wasteland act, we might end up doing some preliminary looting if you don't. Not that I don't mind, its just usually raiders don't carry anything of use to me."[/i][/color] Harry couldn't help but grin at the spunky young kraut as she moved up beside him. Her attitude mirrored his own impatience and he was almost tempted to invite her to jump on the back of his radcycle so the two of them could head off to find out what was coming towards them first-hand, but it was rash decisions like that that had led to his eye having to be replaced. Not that the new one wasn't better, it just itched like hell when dust got into the workings, and dust always got into the workings. "You never know, schönes mädchen, one of them might be using a plasma injector as a club or some such madness."