David was already a little late. He blamed public transport for it. But in reality, he just left home too late, missed his train and had to take a later one. So he walked in the Auditorium with his bag in hand and backpack. In the Auditorium, he sat through the entire speech, which seemed rather short. Then again, David did dislike long speeches. Though right before he left he saw the vice-headmistress scolding a girl with blue hair. Though what David saw first was the fact that she wielded a baseball bat. Paying too much attention at the baseball bat, David accidentally bumped into Alex. “Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” He quickly said. But he did drop his bag. Though it never touched the ground. Instead there was some strange black aura around it. David’s particles in Delta-form. He just assumed it was a minor discharge and grabbed the bag.