[h3][color=ed1c24][center][b]Aito CS[/b][/center][/color][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Aito [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Aito][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8e/8d/ce/8e8dcec15081c4bbb2e7eea592322319.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list][*]High Intelligence: Like his father before him, Aito has a remarkably high intelligence. In contrast to Vegeta's knowledge of technology, Aito is knowledgeable in regards to technology, medicine, psychotherapy and genealogy. [*]Super Saiyan: Though yet to be displayed, Aito has managed to attain Super Saiyan power. No one knows for certain just how strong he is, or when he might show his strength. [*]Martial Artist: Though his personal knowledge of martial arts is limited, Aito is proficient at what he does know.[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] Son of Trunks and grandson of Vegeta, Aito has known powerful men throughout his childhood and young adult life. It is only natural then that he too would seek to become stronger, attaining the power of a Super Saiyan at a remarkably young age, 9 to be exact. Though he showed a fair deal of natural talent for attaining strength he was often bored by it, and even the training he received was of little interest. Much to the chagrin of his grandfather, Vegeta, he found more interest in the intellectual endeavors of his father Trunks. As soon as he was able to read he began to look into scientific books, albeit not understanding a word of it until some time later. By the age of 16 he had finished his primary education and attended a university, finishing his degrees at only 20 years of age. Aito had a goal in mind of what he wanted to do with his life, and that was to create an artificial being. Not something like Doctor Gero's androids, but a living, breathing being. Having the mind to leave Earth's protection to this being he enlisted the aid of a few other scientists, with one Doctor Ikura and Doctor Volkov being amongst his closest collaborators. Through a series of trail and error, and a number of failed attempts, the trio and their aides would ultimately succeed in creating their ideal artificial life; Viral. A conglomeration of the world's best animals as well as human and Saiyan genes, Viral was the epitome of their efforts and a crowning jewel for the group as a whole. The creation of Viral however led to some dispute, with Volkov wanting to use him as a military weapon and Aito and Ikura wishing for Viral to be solely a protector. Naturally the majority won out, and Volkov left the team with Viral being kept in Capsule Corporation and raised alongside Vegeta Jr and Yumi. During their partnership, Aito would inevitably develop romantic feelings for Volkov's bodyguard, a woman named June. Though their relationship would take some time to manifest they would inevitably fall in love with one another, and eventually would raise a son together, named Vegeta for Aito's grandfather. [b]Personality:[/b] Powerful, yet cares little for power, confident yet not arrogant, Aito is a difficult man to read sometimes. He often comes across as carefree and even eccentric at times, yet he is constantly observing what is around him. Highly intelligent, he takes in every aspect of the moment at hand and analyzes it tirelessly, making him excellent at reading both people and situations. Like Vegeta, he is a tireless worker who strives to complete his job, albeit not to the perfectionist degree of his son. He has a bit of an obscure way of approaching his tasks, yet they more often than not yield the desired results. Aito’s motivation can be summed up into one simple phrase: protecting his sons. Despite Viral’s creation as a protector of Earth he found himself unable to subject the young boy to such a job, instead raising him as normally as possible. He is very hopeful for their futures and believes they each have the utmost potential, refusing to let them think otherwise. Indeed he is much the same in regards to most around him, being something of a dreamer when it comes to that. There is a way to overcome any obstacle, he believes, and will work to see that such a thing comes to pass. Aito knows he is powerful, and he knows he is intelligent, often times being one or two steps ahead of the others. Despite that he never holds it over someone or gloats, and is more often than not humble. However, when the situation at hand demands his expertise he is very professional, applying himself and his knowledge entirely to the task at hand. His greatest fault, perhaps, is in that he expects far too much, albeit he never forces others to live to these standards. Rather, it is Aito who works endlessly to see these potentials met, and is rarely if ever convinced that what he sees is all there is to it. He is also somewhat reluctant to become involved in fighting, fearing his part in the battles will incite greater problems still. For the time being he is content to sit on the sidelines, but who knows for how much longer.