Simonas little pet had liked the encouraging words of Angelo and fluttered around the doctors head for a while longer, well until it tired it self out. The little humming bird didnt yet got to have his breakfast seeds. Deciding it had protected his owners dignity enough it fly over to the table and chipped, eating out of its little cup. Simona on the other hand was grinning, she was pleased she WAS right that the captain just woke everyone up just for the sake of waking everyone up. It was just by chance that a navigator was on lost on their ship and made the waking up early worth it. ''Mack do you need any last minute shopping to be done? I will make a last quick trip to the market and shops. '' She said aloud the redhead already leaving to take the food plate to the metal crew member. The cook looked down on her empty plate and with a sigh started to pick the plates and cups that were already empty. Leaving the crew members who enjoyed a slow breakfast to their own. Making a mental note to do the wash up later, she cleared her thought. ''Well introductions are a must no? So our new navigator I am Simona, the cook and scout of this ship. There is only one rule aroundme to respect my kitchen is not to be touched. harm it in any way and the damage of it will be inflicted to your persona tenfold. understood my dearest sweetheart.'' He tone started cheerfully enough as she talked to the probably not yet sober man, but quickly turned into a darker tone of warning and promise of Simona being seriously. But just like that her tone was flipped back like with a switch. ''As a scout I assume we will be working often together especially in checking the routes and such. Will be my pleasure to be from use.'' She chuckled watching as her pet humming bird was full and lazily fly up to settled into her pocket to have a nap.