Sorry for the delay on my part I got some things dumped on my head and yeah. why does the important stuff just LOVES to happen in the dates of exam and test weeks. Can it I dont know happen a week before or after I am done with exams and test? *waves hand* Well peps ignoring the cosmos enjoyment to mess with my time table I wanna hear something of you. What rooms does our ship have? Everyone mentioned some rooms in their wake up post but what else would be on our ship? I would like to collect it and post a sum up post for references for everyone. Another notice Get pumped our big adventure the first plot will start in 2 post rounds from now. So get your hats ready because we 3 gms planed a stormy adventure ahead. //shot by the other two gms for making puns p.s. If I poof away for a day or two dont send the search parties out, I will return.