Name: Lord Varimathras Race: Vampire, pre-curse. Age: A few centuries. Appearance: [img][/img] Equipment: Sword, whip, claws, fangs, armor, stunning beauty. Abilities (Physical / Magical): Lord Varimathras had incredible magical power before the curse. He had shape shifting and shadowmelding and mind control, but he's lost nearly everything. As a vampire, he is immune to the plague, but the Necromancer queen constantly affects him from her throne in the north. He retains supreme speed and strength and even a little ability to influence the minds of those around him, but the curse has left him a mere shadow of what he was. His greatest weapons now are his age, wisdom, and wit. Curse Effects: Constantly resisting Vivian's power. She searches for him, promising him the return of his powers once he has given in to her. He would make a powerful pawn. Affiliation: Wants Vivian dead. Personality: Sharp, prideful, patient, vengeful, cold, manipulative, sincere.