[@Forsythe] A big alien approached her and knelt down, leading Innes to the conclusion this was the one she was looking for. What was with those eyes? They were enthralling - Innes could sit and stare at them for hours on end. These beings probably never gave it a second thought, either. It was astounding that nature saw fit to create such beauty in such a small thing. And then it spoke. "Hello" For a second, Innes was over the moon. Did it speak her language? Maybe they shared common ancestry! Maybe it understood her, or had translators, or knew of Paardveid! Suddenly, this all seemed so much easier. It opened it's palm and Innes noticed it was missing a finger. It was a strange gesture and she didn't know what it meant. Was it a greeting? She had said hello, after all. In response, Innes opened her own palm out and raised it up to the alien's. Her own was tiny by comparison, at least half the size of her host's. For a brief moment, their fingers connected, before Innes drew away, blushing furiously. It's skin was harder than hers, but it felt more sensitive, like it could feel more than she could. Some of the other creatures were looking at her funnily, like that wasn't what she was supposed to do. This served only to deepen Innes blush, certain that she must appear sapphic to the being. It pointed to itself, and started talking, but it was using such long, strange words that any meaning was lost. It pointed to a sign written in a foreign script, and said more words, but too many to get any valuable meaning out of. It made a wide gesture and kept talking, and she could only stare with a blank look on her face. What was it trying to tell her? There were words with particular emphasis, namely "Astra", "Faira" and "Trigati", but they could mean anything. Innes shook her head and pointed to her ears. She didn't understand what the being was trying to tell her. But not wanting to appear a poor guest, she attempted to reciprocate. "In-nes." She said, pointing a finger at her chest. "Ship" she pointed to her craft, where her troops were watching her carefully, looking for signs of hostility. "Name, Ast-a?" she said it in a questioning tone, pointing the the alien. (OOC: Misspelling of name deliberate, meant to represent Innes struggling to get her accent right)