[h2]Dragon Age Roleplay with Serenia[/h2] [img]http://i59.tinypic.com/1zq4r44.jpg[/img] [h3]Nascien Trevelyan/24[/h3] [hider=Appearance:] He weighs 185 and stands at 6'2. Crowning his head is a tuft of bleached white hair- an odd fashion he picked up while spending several years in Orlais. He keeps the sides of his head shaved, a reminiscent from the war centered ways of his barbarian ancestors. His high cheekbones, bow-shaped mouth, and unblemished skin give him an air of being gentle- girlish, even, in his beauty. However his strong jaw and dimpled chin- along with his muscled frame and broad shoulders- contrast the soft features of his face. His eyebrows, like the hair about his arms and legs, are a dark almost black brown- which is his natural hair color. But most notable are his eyes- piercing sea-foam green discs that almost shine in the light. They are his most disarming feature- their color is just so blatant and arresting. They are crowded by black eyelashes- thick but failing in their attempt to dilute the intensity of his eyes. Thanks to a youth spent sporting in the lands owned by his family- hunting, riding, and the like with his cousins- his build is not that of a courtesan. He is built more for war than the life of a politico. Smiles grace his face often- they are bold and suggestive when he does so- meant to tease and flirt. His canines are ever slightly pronounced- only adding to the danger that joins in with his deep voice. You will often find him wearing the royal armor (I'll look for a picture) donned upon him after the Blight. It is gray and royal blue with white-gold detailing. His weapons of choice are twin blades. [/hider] [hider=Quick Bio:] Nascien knows very little of his parents- most of his youth was filled with tutors and play. He never sought them out- the need for their comfort never presented itself. It was customary for Trevelyan youth to be sent off to the Chantry or the Templar Order to pursue their futures of service. And this may have been his path as well. But, unfortunately, Nascien fell in love. It was with a servant- Celine. They were young. He was so blindingly happy- daydreams of small cottages in the forest, surrounded by flowers and laughing children, filled his thoughts. But then Celine disappeared. He still does not know exactly what happened to her. But she had been showing already- the bump of her belly swelling with their son or daughter. And so he can only assume that his parents had found out and disposed of the girl. Nasicen grew very cold and detached after these events- he hated his family for doing such a thing against him. But he was older now, about 17, way past the age to join the Order and swiftly becoming a blemish on his family's reputation. And so he was sent off to Orlais for "refinement" as his mother liked to call it. There he took part in refining things he already knew- sword fighting, rhetoric, court conduct- and learned things he did not -leadership, reading his opponents, and how to maneuver the mine-field that is a noble woman's heart. His lessons were cut short, however, when the Blight shook Thedas. The curiosity that gripped him was much too strong to resist- life in Orlais had begun to bore him, anyway- and so he set out with a sizable group of his most trusted in hopes to aid in anyway they could. They soon caught word of the Heroes intent on ending the Blight and soon pledged to fight under them. After the Blight Nascien was recognized by his family once more- becoming an outcast no more- and was once again in the good graces of his parents. As reward, although Nascien barely sees it as that, he was sent to Denerim as representative for his House. He now speaks for his family and enjoys life of a noble guest in the palace. [/hider] [hider=Personality:] [b]Pride[/b]. Perhaps his downfall- but it defines him. His pride of self leads into his narcissism- no one is more clever, no one is more beautiful. Arrogance and ego plague him. Honor is this badge that must constantly be dusted, brandished, and defended haughtily. [b]Sex.[/b] It drives him. He believes that its what draws people to one another- this primordial instinct to fuck. He recognizes that- were he ugly and poor- the court women would want nothing to do with him. The act of sex itself holds very little importance to him- it is not intimate. There is a rumor that he slept with the daughter of a Guerrin before her marriage to some lord- but there is no substantial proof of this. Perhaps due to his promiscuous and shameless pursuit of a debaucherous life it has become difficult for him to fall in love. He lies to himself- claiming sex and love are but the same thing. He has yet to find anyone that interests him beyond the physical. [b]Knowledge[/b]. He craves it- sometimes to the point of obsession. The court is full of secrets and lies- Nascien loves to play detective and uncover them. As a result he knows much of what goes on behind the mahogany doors in the palace. The extent of his connections within the palace, however, are yet to be discovered or known. Overall, however, he comes off as good natured and kind- which perhaps he is. [/hider] [hider=His Weapons] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bb/6c/6c/bb6c6cdef24dd9523de8e8900ce7064e.jpg[/img] [/hider]