[center] [img]https://www.wallhai.com/wallpapers/anime/anime-mechanic-girl-wallhai-hd-wallpaper-233788.jpg[/img] || Belle Noircat || |-| 16 |-| Female |-| Heterosexual |-| Neko |-| || Likes || + Gifts + Fish + Cuddling and care + Compliments + Music + Certain animes + Writing + Photography + Friendly or cute nicknames || Dislikes || - Insects (Spiders are her worst fear) - Mean people - Too much attention - Being made fun of - Heights - Water - Bullying || Personality || |-| Shy |-| Fearful |-| Sensitive |-| Giggly |-| Submissive |-| Belle is quite fearful, shy, and quite sensitive, easily made upset. If someone wins her heart, she will try and stay close to them, mostly for protection. Belle, being a neko, has a dislike for some things that a cat dislikes, however for others things she still likes them. || Biography || Throughout her early life, Belle was bullied and teased for being a Neko. The girl was easily upset about this, and often stayed on her own and away from others so she could not be harmed, though this lead to her often being alone apart from a few friends that she still barely talked to. Belle was excited about the match system so she could find a nice guy to be with her and care about her. If things go right for her, that is. || Extras || She is for the match programme. [/center]