[center][h2]Kane "Marcus" McCoy[/h2][/center] Within 2 hours Kane was on a bus, and in a seat in the PITY Auditorium. The ride was fairly quiet, no matter how badly he wanted to converse with someone, most wanted to keep to themselves, much to Kane's dismay. Most of the time Kane would just stare out the window and watch the world go by. This of be the last he would probably see the outside world for a few years. He knew that the school would not go as afar as to keep them inside, but it was not safe to have them stay in public. Before Kane knew it he had fallen asleep and was snoring loudly, which was a thing he was kind of known for at home. Kane had barely realized that the bus had stopped when one of the attendants woke him up. He yawned and stretched before grabbing his bag and following the rest of the students out to the Auditorium. He had to admit, the school was amazing, something that he never really saw in New Orleans. Sure schools were nice, but they never looked great, but this was nice. Kane took a seat near the front of the room, although it was not by preference. The man on the podium was Alan, he was the man the instituted the school. It was pretty cool seeing the man that had given him and fair opportunity in the world today. If it was not for him, his family would be forever apprehensive around him, which was a life he definitely did not want to live. Kane made sure to pay attention to his speech, getting all the information that he could, if there was any. Fortunately, there was, they were to head over to the receptionist to get their dorm room assignments. Since Kane was in the front of the auditorium, he knew that it would take him awhile to get his assignment. He decided to wait around for a few minutes before walking up to the line. Things were going fine until he watched a girl fall to the ground. Kane frowned, were people in such a rush that they would push down a [i]cher[/i] like her. Kane sighed, he knew he would lose his place in line if he went to go help her, but his conscious had convinced him otherwise. Kane left his place in line and walked over to her, he offered her his hand to pull her up. "Need help, [i]cher[/i]?" he said grinning down at her. Once he pulled her up he smiled and introduced himself, "Name is Kane." He said quickly before leaving her to get back in line. Before Kane knew it he was given his room and was already in front of his room door. Kane knew that there was someone inside when he heard shuffling. He sighed before opening the door, only to meet a guy who asked for a lighter. Kane frowned, this was the person he was going to bunk with and the first thing that came out of his mouth was if he had a lighter. "Look, were gonna have to establish a few things before we get started." He said sternly as he closed the door behind him. "There ain't no way, you is gonna be smok'in up in this room, you wanna smoke, you take that damn thing outside." He said with a frown before quickly turning it into a smile. "Well, once that's settled, the name is Kane."