[hider=Random rambling] I just found some amazing inspiration for a dramatic, emotional roleplay. You know the goat speech from Team America? Well. The story starts with Gary crying over his burnt goats, screaming his rage into the sky as he declares his JEE-HAYD on America and vowing vengeance for his furry companions. Then the RP jumps back to the day he got his first goat and chronicles their lievs as the herd grows through trial and tribulation, gnawed cans and fun times as they grow old together. Ultimately it ends with the American bombing run and the death of our characters, the goats. The final scene will be Gary kneeling by a line of crude graves in tears. He's wracked by grief and survivor's guilt, but nevertheless he is smiling and remembering the times they spent together under the stars. It'll be like RPing Halo Reach; you know how it's gonna end and you know not to get attached, but every step Gary and the goats take together, the deeper they bore into your soul like some kind of buck-eyed heartworm. It will be called... the Burning of the Goats.[/hider]