[@Nightrunner] Here's my character sheet as promised! Let me know if anything doesn't meet standards or anything else. :) [hider=The Flash - Jay Garrick] [B]Name:[/B] Jason "Jay" Garrick [B]// Alias:[/B] The Flash [B]Race:[/B] Caucasian [B]// Gender:[/B] Male [B]Height:[/B] 6' 0" [B]// Weight:[/B] 179 pounds [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]// Hair:[/B] Brown [B]// Eyes:[/B] Blue [B]Affiliations:[/B] None [B]// Occupation:[/B] Unemployed [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120710085311/marvel_dc/images/e/e1/Jay_Garrick_Earth-2_004.jpg[/img] [img]https://retconpunchdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/emo-jay.jpg[/img] [B]Abilities/Skills:[/B] After discovering the dying god Mercury, Jay Garrick was granted the ability to move and think at superhuman speeds. Due to the lack of enhanced strength, Jay uses quick jabs and his speed to frustrate and tire out his opponents instead of just mindlessly pounding away at them. [B]Backstory:[/B] Jay began as a troubled college graduate whose life seemed to be going nowhere. He had been dating a young woman named Joan until she decided that they were spinning their wheels. She left him and he decided to contemplate his future on a small hill on the outskirts of town. It was there that what he thought was a meteor crashed nearby, and he chose to investigate. He discovered the dying god Mercury, who had just escaped from his captors who had held him since the invasion from Apokolips was defeated. When Jay asked if it was the forces of Apokolips that imprisoned him he said that it was a force much darker. Mercury warned that there needed to be a new age of heroes to fight this force and that he saw greatness in Jay that perhaps Jay couldn't see in himself. Before dying he imbued Jay with his power and told him, [color=f7941d]"Trust no one."[/color] Soon after, the police arrived, and Jay ran at superhuman speeds he wasn't expecting. Overtime, Jay learned to control this power and began to use it to save lives and change the world's view on Wonders. Soon, he plans to leave his hometown of Keystone City City and move on to another city for better opportunities for both Jay and "The Flash". [B]Sample Post:[/B] [color=fff200]"Okay how about this... I'll take a spicy McChicken sandwich and that'll do it- wait, no, add another sandwich and a large fry. No, make it three large fries. And tha- Wait, y'know what? Give me three of each and I'll take a cola as well. Okay, now I'm sure that'll do it."[/color] Jay had decided to stop by McDonald's for some lunch, usually he'd just get the sandwich; but ever since Mercury blessed him with the power of superhuman speed, he had become increasingly more hungry and required more calories to get him through the day. He figured his superspeed had also sped up his metabolism, and that was the cause of why he needed more food to keep him on his feet. [color=6ecff6]"Are you sure that's what you'd like, sir?"[/color] The woman behind the counter asked in an agitated tone, clearly not amused at the fact the man hadn't been able to really make up his mind for the past two minutes. [color=fff200]"Yes, I'm sure... sorry for taking so long, I've just been- well..."[/color] Jay attempted to explain before forcing his voice to fade out, knowing there's no point even trying to explain. The woman simply dismissed this and began to continue the food ordering process, she spoke in a non-caring voice as if she were reading from a poorly written script: [color=6ecff6]"Okay sir, your total comes to-"[/color] Jay, using his enhanced speed, had already slid a ten dollar bill on the counter. Before the woman finished reading his total, her eyes met the faded green paper placed on the counter. [color=6ecff6]"Oh? I didn't notice you put that there. Sorry, it's been a bit of a sluggish day for us."[/color] Jay responded with a smile, [color=fff200]"A sluggish day is much better than one of those days that fly by, trust me buddy."[/color] Jay sat patiently in one of the severely uncomfortable chairs in McDonald's "Dining Room", waiting for an employee to place two greasy paper bags on the counter. When suddenly, the fast food restaurant's front door is kicked open with such a force it causes the glass to shatter; Jay and many others turned towards the uncalled for entrance, only to see two masked men both carrying 9mm pistols in their hands. Silence fell over the entire building as the men proceeded towards the counter, they walked with pride... almost like they were proud of what they were doing. It had gotten to the point where it was so quiet, Jay swore he could hear the individual heartbeats of the people. If fear had a smell, the building would wreak horribly of it. One of the men stopped and instead of going to the counter, decided to go back to the door to be a lookout; while the other one had finally gotten to the counter and was now pointing the 9mm pistol at the employee who had just taken Jay's order. [color=ed1c24]"What do you think this is? A game?! Put the money in the fucking bag!"[/color] The man shouted, waving his pistol around at the employees behind the counter. None of them moved, they were all in shock, and Jay couldn't blame them. He was in shock himself... but then he realized... he can stop this. He has the power to stop this! Jay quickly shook his head and began to assess the situation: one armed man at the door, another at the counter, and about a dozen civilians in the way. Within a few moments, he had thought of a plan. Now it came to the hard part, it's actual execution... This would be difficult due to the fact he wouldn't be able to conjure up his costume without exposing his identity. This meant he wouldn't be able to use his costume, which means he had to move extremely fast. Jay slowly stood up, not trying to attract any unnecessary attention towards himself, and looked at the man looking outside the mostly broken glass door. Using his gifted ability, the Wonder rushed towards the man at full speed and delivered a nearly jaw-breaking uppercut. [color=fdc68a]Kraaaaaaaaaaaak![/color] The noise of the brutal uppercut, caused his "friend" to begin to turn around; luckily, thanks to Jay's superspeed, by the time the other man had completely turned around he was already tied up against the flagpole outside of the establishment. [color=ed1c24]"What- WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW DID I GET OUT HERE?!"[/color] The employees slowly peeked from behind the counter and felt relief wash over them as they saw the two criminals were gone, another employee also noticed the two bags of food they had just finished preparing was missing. [color=00aeef]"I don't understand... it was like, just here... like it was literally just there thirty seconds ago!"[/color] The female employee said, slightly confused. It was then the employee's eyes widened as she saw a note had been left behind: [i][color=fff200]Hope this makes us even! :) From, The Flash [/color][/i] [/hider]