The revolver, and the arrival of some other strange individual certainly threw kinks into the plan. Well, not that there had been a plan to begin with. It was one of those situations where she would just have to wing it. That was what people did when this happened, right? A few moments later his attention shifted, eyes glancing toward the other while his thoughts were racing through what to do. She lunged in, blocking his extended arm with one of her own and throwing a punch into his face with the other. "Who are you?!" she demanded. "What do you want?!" She tried to throw a knee into his stomach, ever conscious of where his revolver was trained. Getting shot would throw a damper on things, she was certain of that. Her blood was pumping so hard she [i]almost[/i] couldn't hear the thoughts around her over the pounding in her head. "Why are you trying to kill my family?!"