Name Jessica "Jess" Lawler [img][/img] Age: 17 Grade: 2nd Year Sexuality: Heterosexual Skeptical about how the Match Program will work but besides that, she doesn't care. Likes: ♥ Salty foods ♥ Playing the drums ♥ Ditching class ♥ Cats, but hates to admit it ♥ Gambling Dislikes: - Snobby people; actually most people in general - Sweets - School - Being told what to do Personality Easily annoyed| Lazy | Smart, but doesn't show it | Apathetic | Rebellious | Jess is somewhat of a delinquent, mostly because she doesn't care about going to school but she doesn't do anything harmful; at least in her opinion. Once in a while, if someone bothers her, she might get into a fight and she may occasionally smoke on the roof or gamble with her 'friends'. But that's about it. History Jess has just started to live with her older brother now that her parents are divorced and neither want anything to do with her. Her older brother is smart, successful, and kind which sometimes makes her sick. He also has a girlfriend who she hates but she puts up with because she really does love her big brother. Also, because of him, she has been trying her best to attend school more regularly and not get into trouble. Extras - Hard to win over (Chocolate and flowers won't cut it, guys!) - Has only had one boyfriend ever and he cheated on her - Prefer guys that are more straightforward than romantic - Currently looking to join a band