[b][center]{Sector Zelta}[/center][/b] [center]Approximately eight to ten hours later[/center] Dr. Fukui was up early, and already in his lab. He had the whole day planned out for these [i]new recruits[/i]. "I'll make it hard on them for destroying [i]my[/i] work!" he chuckled to himself, before hitting a single button on his keyboard. He leaned back, kicking his legs up onto the desk while he waited for the early birds to catch the worm. [Naoto] A buzzer appeared out of the side-table sitting next to Naoto's bed, which hadn't been there before. It beeped loudly several times, before Naoto decided to smash it. Upon hand contact it shocked him a tiny bit, and made a 'Tsk tsk tsk' back at him. "Wakey wakey! Training starts now! Meet at my lab in thirty minutes!" the barked with a recorded voice of Fukui. Naoto groaned, and tried to roll back in his bed, but the bed quickly bounced him off and retracted into the wall before it could catch him. "Ooof!" he bumped into the ground where the bed was. "Wa- where'd the bed go?" he asked himself, scratching his head as he looked back at the wall. It appeared as if the bed was never there. [Kassy] Kassy opened her eyes, and looked at a clock slowly rising out of a side-table. She leaned up and stood up just before it went off, gently pushing the button on the top. "Wakey wakey! Training starts now! Meet at my lab in thirty minutes!" the recording message growled with the irritating voice of an annoyed Fukui. The clock slid back into the side-table, disappearing entirely. Kassy even opened the door to reveal it hadn't disappeared inside of it... [i]Odd[/i]. : An annoying little buzzer went off beside you, coming from a tiny little alarm clock that appeared to be way to small to make such noise. "Wakey wakey! Training starts now! Meet at my lab in thirty minutes!" the voice of Fukui went off. It sounded like a prerecorded message, but who knows. Maybe he likes calling out each of his trainees, giving them a personalized message to greet the wonderful morning. Has the sun risen yet? Maybe not... but who knows? The alarm clock didn't have any sort of time on it. : Your alarm clock went off, notifying you it was an early day for training. This was usual for Dr. Fukui... if he disliked the trainee. Before, when you were part of team Alpha, you were allowed to sleep as long as you wanted. Apparently his mood for you... or possibly your new team members... has changed. "Wake up Mr. Garsin. Training time! It's time to get your team back in tip-top shape. Be ready for them in an hour at the training rooms." : Your alarm clock in your room went off, buzzing with an annoying sound. "Training starts for the trainees in thirty minutes. Be ready and in my lab by then." the alarm clock said with Dr. Fukui's prerecorded voice.