The landing party of the Cewri, having struck the land of the continent, first surveyed their immediate surroundings. Fortuitously, they the was a considerable forest not far off, which would aid in building up Y Obaith Terfynol. Perhaps, even, settlements beyond the island of the same name—but that was for the future. Their rafts being no great risk, thy left them on the coast—even if they returned to find them gone, they would be no great pain to replace. At the request of one of the elders, they camped at their landing site for one night to observe the Misty Mountain. They didn't think they'd see anything from this distance, but the request came from an [i]Elder[/i]. Trusting that they would be able to forage for their food, and trusting water to brooks and streams, they set off to learn about the continent they found themselves on. It didn't have a name yet—or at least, not in their tongue. One child had said he saw something on the horizon to the east, so they went there first, looking first and foremost for other intelligent life. [hider=Summary] E) Explore: Discover what lies on the Continent. Particularly to the east of out landing position. Especially if it's alive and can think. *cough* [/hider]