Awaking early was nothing new to the strongman, however this alarm was particularly irritating. Kristof stood rather feebly before fiddling around with the constantly buzzing machine. At last he was able to turn the infernal thing off which slowly dissipated into the stand, just about the same time as his bed. Looking about at the frankly barren room he speaks aloud to himself, "This place could really use some sprucing up, another time." "Well, can't train on an empty stomach!" He chuckles heartily before wandering off into the stark halls. "Now which way was the cafeteria?" In a repeat of events yesterday the muscled man is unable to find his direction, wandering through many similar corridors before finally reaching the cafeteria, plenty of time wasted. Entering the food room, as he likes to call it, many of the attendants here seem to look on in apprehension, or perhaps fear? Axel wonders to himself before realizing that he is probably going to be late takes a light snack. Leaving the cafeteria hurriedly an entire turkey underneath an arm he completely forgets about the signs that point out directions, whoops!