[@Cuccoruler] [color=FF0000][b]Yeah thanks, I'll get his name down later[/b][/color] She told the teacher, making a mental note on many ways to screw over the kid who tripped her and then She gotten up and walked to her next class, the weaponary class. the place were she would learn how to beat the absolute crap out of people with sharp objects [color=FF0000][i]maybe I should be nice to that love-struck kid, give him a couple chances, and use him like I use makeup. Only to help myself look even better. thats actually a really good idea. Get a couple bucks out of him too!, when school is done I can go complete gold-digger and all of my problems will disappear. then divorce him and take everything he owns of course[/i][/color] Fia brainstormed maliciously, her hand on her chin as she figured out ways to turn the love-struck kid into a Piggybank. and then suddenly her opportunity appeared right infront of her, Fia thought about what to say, which card to play. in a couple seconds the deal was done. she picked her path, picked her weapon. just like the incredibly boring Weaponary teacher told her [color=FF0000][b]I'm..I'm okay![/b][/color] Fia spoke with a voice cracking voice, full of sadness. her eyes were full of tears, as if she were to cry a river but she was hiding it horribly, Fia tried to form a fake smile but ended up making a even sadder face. her mouth formed a Straight line. Full of badly hidden sadness. [@ScienMalefica]