Alec leaned back against the thick wooden trunk. The gulping shadows from it's leaves saving him from the harshness of the sun. A book was carefully placed in his fingers. It was, of course, a book about greek Mythology. Instead of reading teen fiction, or fantasy like most teens his age. Alec read history, encyclopedia's, or other informative books. Mythology was really just a easy read for him. Something he could read and enjoy the lovely day. Silv, was tucked on his bony shoulder. Her feathers fluffed up as her head curled into his neck. His curled blonde hair was damp from having just come from the lake. Where he had orginally tried to read. However, a group of water loving freaks decided to 'surprise' attack him. [b]"[color=yellow]Silv.[/color]"[/b] Alec suddenly said as he closed his book, and glanced over at his feathered friend. The elegant barn owl opened her eyes. Looking up at him calmly. [b]"[color=yellow]Any word from Mom?[/color]"[/b] Silv simply shook her head. Letting out a soft sigh as she tucked her head back into his neck to hid her eyes from the bright light of the sun.