Kyle - The meeting room - 10:15am [i][b]from McCarthy Manor[/b][/i] Everything went hot and there was a rushing sound. Kyle had been paying close attention, expecting a mission, but not one to [i]the[/i] house. Almost by instinct he reached out to reassure himself that Siobhan was still there. There was no reason for her to be going to the house. She’d be safe. Someone was talking. Callaghan. He wanted to know tactical stuff. Then Luther spoke. Kyle could feel his fist throb just a bit. “[color=00a651]I haven’t been to the manor since I was 16, but I can tell you what was there then.[/color]” He finally said once everyone had stopped talking again. His voice was even, calm, measured. That was the only way to not scream. To not yell at Ronan. Someone was in danger. Kyle reminded himself. Someone was near [i]her[/i]. Within [i]her[/i] grasp, and he could save them. Take away a plaything from [i]her[/i]. “[color=00a651]There’s the obvious wards. Two main entrances. One in the direct front.[/color]” Kyle closed his eyes seeing the building that haunted his memory. “[color=00a651]The other is a side entrance mostly used by the staff. The layout of the rooms are not straightforward. It is most likely that the missing operative will be held in the basement. That place is a maze. I spent enough time down there though that I can find my way through it.[/color]” Kyle at this point turned to Ronan. “[color=00a651]Who do they have?[/color]”