You are a band of agents burned, or otherwise abandoned, erased, or expunged, by your own government. You're now residing in a UK safehouse on the outskirts of Cornwall and are using the tools left behind in this house by an agency that no agent can recognize. The safehouse and its location was found buried in some CIA, (French) DRM, and (British) SIS database, which is odd that American and Euro intelligence agencies have a shared database. Regardless, once there, you find several other agents also residing there. Some of you hacked your way into this information, others were invited due to your burned status being known to those in the safehouse, and still others just were in the wrong place at the wrong time. No matter how you got there, you're now part of something more. Basically the most underground, independent intelligence organization on the earth. That you know about, at least. You may not be the most organized group, but you find a titbit or two of information that you follow and take care of, and it usually ends in a little cash earned to fund more research. You're about to come across the biggest leadS anyone in this safehouse has ever even heard about. [anon@xY5H#%*^]$: dossfind -user subroot ACCESSING: /etc/ . .. ... >>Bash: ACCESS DENIED [anon@xY5H#%*^]$: !! | passcrack -TYPES=ALL ************** >>ACCESS GRANTED >>WELCOME BACK: AEROSTORC, AARON >>INPUT DECRYPTION PASSWORD: [anon@xY5H#%*^]$: passcrack -c -TYPES=ALL ******* >>PASSWORD ACCEPTED >>DECRYPTING ETD FILE >>DECRYPTION SUCCESSFUL >>LOADING FILE IN PLAINTEXT. . . Name/Pseudonym: (The name you call yourself in public. Add any aliases and/or pseudonyms used in specific circumstances you wish) Gender: (Male or Female) Age: (Self-explanatory) Appearance: (picture, description, or both) Agency: (state the agency you used to work for and optionally tell why/how you got... removed from payroll) Back"story": (Cover story for your "public" identity) [i]background check info:[/i] (OPTIONAL. What information would someone get if they ran a background check on your character's alias/pseudonym?) Past: (Your life before/during Agency life) Specialization: (Weapon-type of choice (Shotguns, SMGs, Pistols, Assault Rifles), Martial Arts, Stealth, Tech Savvy (knowledge of computers and hacking), Toughness (able to take more hits), Gadgetry (all the works on gadget use and creation), Conversationalist (able to manipulate others with words), and Medical Knowledge (healing self and others better). Choose two to have speciality in. Everything else you are assumed have basic knowledge/training in.) Master- Expert- Other: ([b]PLEASE POST CSs IN THE CHARACTERS TAB TO BE REVIEWED[/b]) [hr] Specializations currently: [b]Combat skills[/b][list][*]Shotgun Proficiency - [color=00a651][FREE][/color], [color=00a651][FREE][/color] [*]SMG Proficiency - [color=00a651][FREE][/color], Condor [*]Pistol Proficiency - [color=00a651][FREE][/color], [color=00a651][FREE][/color] [*]Assault Rifles Proficiency - [color=00a651][FREE][/color], Angelo Ortega [*]Martial Arts Proficiency - [color=00a651][FREE][/color], [color=00a651][FREE][/color][/list] [b]Physical Skills[/b][list][*]Stealth/Lockpicking - [color=00a651][FREE][/color], Jack Turpin [*]Toughness - [color=00a651][FREE][/color], Condor [*]Athletics - Patch, Jack Turpin[/list] [b]Technical Skills[/b][list][*]Tech Savvy/Hacking - Kheshig, Angelo Ortega [*]Gadgetry - Kheshig, Birdseed [*]Conversationalist/Psychology - Birdseed, Wise Owl [*]Medical Knowledge - Wise Owl, Patch[/list] (List credit to [@Genni])