Well, should've just said that then ... yeah, I'm not good at role-playing teenagers. xD Especially if I want a non-teenager induced romance. :p (No offense, of course.) Though that'd mean Supergirl would also be a teenager? I'm not sure on that one ... hm, anyways. I've never played either of those two before, so that [i]would[/i] be interesting. I'd just have to do some more research. [b]Edit:[/b] I think I'm going with Hawkgirl, but revamping her Justice League Unlimited origin story a bit, since the only part of the Golden Age was some ... admittedly weird concept of reincarnating lovers. That might still play a part to pay homage to the Golden Age, but there's not much you can do with it [b]besides[/b] a romantic twist. For that, I'll just wait when and if she finds someone. ^^ Maybe I'll have her have a crush on Wonder Woman or something, haha.