James once again walked to the edge of the arena, hands in the air, microphone in hand. "From the strongest to the weakest you've seen it all folks! Now it's time for you're strongest to meet the strongest! Ji-" suddenly he cross up, beginning to tremble with fear, looking up at the stands. Moments after the first fight had ended, a certain Namekian made the call. With that, he dashed across the stands, and his lackey, Dreyar, went half way. With a nod to another, they ripped their cloaks from their body. The namekian smiled a toothy grin, as he began to leap down the chairs, landing just at the bottom. Near the arena. So followed Dreyar and Mel. With every jump from Mel, a hefty [b] KLING! Clunk! Clank![/b] echoed out quickly gaining the announcers attention. "B-Duh-Ah-EVERYBODY! Make your way to the exit immediat-" he tried to speak, but he was cut off by a swift jab to his gut from Mel, who closed the gap between them in record time, despite her chained leg and banded arm. James spat drool just as he began to collapse. Dreyar, seeing this as a time to shine, took flight, making a quick rush over the arena, snatching the microphone as they fell. [color=skyblue] "Thanks for the money! And the quick show too!"[/color] he said, just as the announcer was hoisted over Mel's arm, and thrown into the arena, the fall giving off a loud [b]THUNK[/b] and a squeal of pain from the man. Not wasting any time, Dreyar dropped the microphone, and with one arm, grabbed Mel, the only none flying person in their group. Manetta grabbed her other, handed arm, and as fast as they entered, they were up and flying off in moments, prize money in hand. The whole ordeal couldn't have taken much more than three minutes. Quickly, many people began to floor the exit, security at the front gate pushing last to see exactly what was happening. The scrawny man, who had before told about the new contestants picked up the microphone. He was in a panic, and was sweating quite badly. This could ruin his business! And they took the prize money, the contestants could sue or worse! "U-uh! Everybody! Remain calms! If you were one of the winners in the current tourney, pl-please.. This message is for you!" he shouted, running a hand through his hair, eyeing the security as they made sure the original announcer was still alright. He then took a long deep breaths, his breathing echoing through the speakers, causing his eyes to widen. "Er-uh! If you can uh... Help uh, get back the prize money from those people and uh.. Maybe turn them into the police or something well.. There's a prize in it for you! Including the stolen zeni!" he said beginning to shout. Making himself fully clear, he finished off with a few final words. "J-James and I would appreciate it if you put a stop to them... Once and for all..." with that, he dropped the microphone rushing down to the spot where James had been heaved. He was facing up, the security guards keeping him up. He was bleeding from the fall, and was quite banged up, but he could survive. People however, continued to rush the edit, many shouts being Bullard all across the area. The stands now left empty, with only small groups of people lingering in the area. The attack left many in a daze, but once the group had flown off, it became a small stampede for a short amount of time. Now however, was a time for reaction. Everybody heard the small man. Everybody knew what to do. Especially one man, who seemed to be whispering to himself, "P-O-W-E-R." And pretending to punch the air.