David grinned as he slashed with his right sword. He was practicing his technique in the arena, and was excited for the upcoming civil war. David would have loved to have an actual sparring partner, but everyone at camp was either too scared fight with him- imagine that- or was off moping about the war for some reason. He didn't care though, this war was going to be his chance to prove he was the best. David knew he'd be a real hero too- he'd kill dozens of enemy soldiers. David didn't even really understand why there was a civil war, he wasn't even sure who the enemy was, but he [i]did[/i] know it was going to be epic. No one would be able to stand in his way, he'd probably be singlehandedly responsible for his side's victory. He couldn't spend too much time practicing though, this was when all the new campers were coming in, and he had to make sure to have a good impression on them, otherwise they wouldn't know whose boss. Nothing was worse than not getting the respect you deserve from someone beneath you, David knew that.