[color=6ecff6][i][b]MAKO REED[/b][/i][/color] With the first social interaction of the day done, Mako was feeling positive vibes as he trudged through the empty hallways and to the nearest exit. Mako's mind, as weary as it was, could not settle. Thoughts pounded through his mind - what would his classes be?; would he make friends?; [i]was there a gym!?[/i] All these things nibbled at the back of Mako's brain, and he was finding it hard to settle his nerves about the whole thing. Change was not something a 'young Yorkshire lad' was used to, and he was only just getting used to the fact he could light a joint without touching it. But as his trainers squeaked down their route and through the cafeteria door, mako couldn't help but feel an uncomfortable drop in his stomach. This was scarier than any fight. Mako barged through the cafeteria doors loudly and with a thud, clumsily unaware of his own mass almost all of the time. As the only one not jumped by the noise, he scoured the cafeteria space with his bright blue eyes, not to find a free seat, but to find a way outside. Until he realised the exit just on the other end of the room, he was only met with faces looking his way, some scowling from the noise, some just curious to see if it was any of their friends they'd met in the last few hours. With an exit in sight, Mako ran his hands through his hair roughly and marched outside, where only a long, spotless window separated himself from anyone else inside. Mako felt on show for a second, but quickly batted the thought out of his mind in turn for more pleasant memories, as he usually did in times of unfamiliarity and the unknown. Mako reached into his pocket and pulled out a single, crumpled cigarette and placed it in between his lips, of which the bottom one had been split open in an earlier fight and was currently healing. Mako felt the sting of fag skin hit the wound, and felt his lip. He then felt the rest of his face - why was it so sore? With the most curious of frowns upon his brow, Mako reached into his pocket once more to find his phone, and turned the camera on to front view. It wasn't the best. Not only had he a split lip, but Mako also had a bruised cheek and purple, slightly puffy right eye. No wonder he wasn't making friends as easily as the others. Why hadn't he noticed sooner? With another tired sigh, he reached into his pocket once more to grab his lighter. Of which still did not exist. "Oh for fuck's sake." he groaned.