[hider=Shayera Sanders - Hawkgirl][center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/1/13296/360883-189379-hawkgirl.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][b][u]Shayera Sanders[/u][/b][/h1][/center] [center][h3][b]Alias: [color=FFaa33]Hawkgirl[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [B]Race:[/B] Thanagarian [B]// Gender:[/B] Female [B]Height:[/B] 5'5" [B]// Weight:[/B] 123 lbs [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]// Hair:[/B] Red [B]// Eyes:[/B] Blue [B]Affiliations:[/B] None [B]Occupation:[/B] Exile [B][u]Abilities[/u][/B] • [color=FFaa33][i]Enhanced Strength:[/i][/color] As a Thanagarian, she possesses naturally higher strength than any human. Though this isn't at the level of super strength. (Note: A later ability will augment this down the list.) • [color=FFaa33][i]Flight:[/i][/color] All Thanagarians are winged creatures born from the subtleties of magic. Therefore can they not only flight as you might expect, but they may also sustain flight for long periods of time without flapping their wings. • [color=FFaa33][i]Minor Magical Resistance:[/i][/color] Being born from small traces of magic, Thanagarians can resist minor spells easily, but are still subject to more powerful ones like many creatures. • [color=FFaa33][i]Enhanced Endurance:[/i][/color] Thanagarians can take quite a beating compared to most mortals, but a sword will still cut through their skin, it just makes a noticeably less impact. • [color=FFaa33][i]Enhanced Sight:[/i][/color] Seemingly Thanagarians take on the image of hawk-people and that isn't that far-fetched as they also have the eyesight of a hawk. This is up to 8 times sharper than a human, or having 20/2.5 vision (in other words, seeing something at 20 feet that a normal human has to be 2.5 feet away to see). Though this is more of a magical nature, seeing as their pupils don't grow larger to zoom in, but is rather aided by an innate magic. • [color=FFaa33][i]Nth Metal Infusion:[/i][/color] Due to Shayera's unique condition, her body has been enhanced by an infusion of Nth Metal, a magically charged native metal of Thanagar. This allows her the use of super-strength (lesser than Wonder Woman and Superman), super-endurance (also lesser), regeneration, and tolerance to extreme temperatures. [b][u]Skills[/u][/b] • [color=FFaa33][i]Melee Combat Mastery:[/i][/color] Trained like many Thanagarians at the age of five, she has nearly mastered all forms of melee combat to where she is comfortable with any sort of given weapon. Even if the weapon is alien to her, she can quickly understand it's shape, size, and weight effectively. She prefers, however, a mace. • [color=FFaa33][i]Hand-to-Hand Journeymen:[/i][/color] By mastering melee combat, she has sacrificed part of her usual training but is never-the-less skilled with hand-to-hand combat, at least enough to hold off an attacker until she can get another weapon in her hand. • [color=FFaa33][i]Advanced Battlefield Knowledge:[/i][/color] Having grown up in a combat-focused culture, she has learned and been drilled in various warfare tactics, able to think quickly on the field as well as analyze her opponents movements. • [color=FFaa33][i]Iron Will:[/i][/color] Shayera was especially gifted in the arts of locking one's mind from external influences and thus has a consistent defense against any mentally-charged attacks or even subtle attempts at breaking in. Even mind magic usually has a fair bit of trouble breaking through these walls. [b][u]Weapons[/u][/b] • [color=FFaa33][i]Modified Nth Mace:[/i][/color] From Thanagarian culture, it is a basic mace that has been modified to have more weight at it's top. However from other view points, it's surface has also been lined with Nth Metal, making it stronger, lighter (only to hold, does not effect impact), almost impossible to break, and magically charged. • [color=FFaa33][i]Nth Dagger:[/i][/color] A basic dagger that's been lined with Nth Metal, giving it the same qualities as above as well as making it sharper. With effort (or enough strength) you could cut through other metals like steel. • [color=FFaa33][i]Nth Short Sword:[/i][/color] Same as the dagger, but with a longer reach. [B]Color Code:[/B] [color=FFaa33][b]Sheyera Sander's Speech Color.[/b][/color] [B][u]Backstory[/u][/B] Shayera was like any other Thanagarian child. She was given as much of her childhood as possible before throwing her to the wolves at the age of five. Beaten down with introduction to hand-to-hand combat, it didn't seem she took too well to it. In fact, many of her peers and instructors thought her as one of the weaker ones because of her more sensitive nature. However despite her more emotional state, she found a surprising inner strength that would often shock her peers time and again, while still somehow keeping hold of a somewhat more gentle aura. As she continue to progress into teenage years, they were given a chance to finally learn melee weaponry after mastering hand-to-hand combat as best as one could by that age. Since Shayera had been somewhat lacking in the past and despite her will to push through, no one expected her natural talent for melee combat. So when she started to exceed her peers, she got reactions that ranged from praise when it came to the instructors, but contempt and jealousy when it came to her peers. This left her feeling alone and abandoned and if it weren't enough for a teenager, the fact that she had an eye for women also painted another target on her back for being ignored and teased. Still, she pushed onwards because she had to. For those falling behind, they were exiled outside the cities no matter how much parents, family, or friends loved them - it was law. Yet the hardest part was to come towards her late teenage years. It was called mental training where you'd be subjugated to all forms of attacks: verbal, fear, anger, sadness, suggestions, manipulation, brain-washing, and even trained mind magic wielders. It was without say that this stage is where most students would fall out, however this was also the only stage you had a second chance to pass due to it's hardship and the fact that everyone was proven skilled and ready for combat. It was not enough to say Shayera had passed with excellence. Instead, she was often praised as one of the truly gifted in being able to keep out outside influences - passing with flying colors at every turn. By this point and with given training before the tests, she had enough will to pull through anything and create barriers as if by second nature. Though some saw this as a double-edged sword when it came to her loyalty to the Empire, the Empire still saw potential in her. At graduation (age 20), agents practically dragged Shayera away from her parents to attend special training. This was not training however and instead to proved to be previously 'illegal' experiments performed by the very same people that banned it's use. By using the most strong-willed students, for only they'd survive such an ordeal, they attempted to infuse Nth metal with Thanagarians. They did this by the use of nanobots and liquifying the semi-sentient, magical metal and hoping that one of the student's bodies might actually accept the transfusion. By some miracle or perhaps fate, Shayera was one of the very few select to survive the process, it having secretly killed off hundreds of students due to rejections. What the Empire refused to acknowledge though was that Shayera's strong will was a double-edged sword that turned to cut it's master. With the use of her new found powers, she forced her way to an escape pod and launched out of their reach before they knew what had happened. The utter quickness of her escape was shocking and by the time they made it to the tracking program, she had already disabled the beacons on the pod. Eventually the pod found it's way to Earth at the year 2013 and crashed a mere forty miles north of Metropolis, where she not only met Superman for the first time, but also Earth's World Army. After talking to Superman and high profile Generals, she explained that she officially decided to renounce her world's Empire because she could see their evil. She then pleaded that she be provided refuge until she could figure out where to go or what to do, promising that she couldn't be tracked. Catching a minor break, the Army agreed to her terms but only if she were to stay in a guarded facility and give her weapons up. Thankfully, by the kindness of his heart, Superman stepped in and instead promised to keep the girl under his watch and care. Though diplomatic, the man's sternness forced the generals to concede with a hesitation and finally let this bird woman be taken by the Man of Steel. She currently houses in one of Superman's hidden sanctuaries and has stayed hidden within it's walls during the last year, even staying put when Superman had went off to fight Darkseid's armies. [B][u]Sample Post[/u][/B] [b]"What the-!"[/b] The Thanagarian scientist never got the chance to say the whole sentence as a fist slammed right into his face, an unexpected action from the new test subject. She didn't know what was going on just yet or why she was able to break free from her chains, but she did know that she was somewhere she didn't want to be. They kept telling her it would be all right, that she was to be one of their assassins, a honor for only the highest - but she kept thinking, especially during all the pain, that she didn't want to kill people like that. She didn't want to kill anyone if she didn't have to. When did the Empire get so corrupt? Nearly a year of these experiments and these lies and these promises of honor, she heard it so much that it disgusted her. So when all the pain and blurred vision took over her mind hour after hour, she could do nothing but focus on one word: escape. She pulled her other hand from the cuff and narrowed her eyes in a dead seriousness. [color=FFaa33][b]"That's exactly what I'm going to do,"[/b][/color] she told herself as she broke the metal bindings at her feet. Jumping up from the table, she looked around for an exit only to see five words almost screaming out to her; [b][i]'Nth Metal Infusion Process Complete.'[/i][/b] [i]'What the hell?'[/i] she thought to herself, staring dumb-founded at the words. Had she just received an illegal transfusion? Suddenly it made sense why she was so strong and even more reason why she needed to escape this place. [color=FFaa33][b]"Sorry mom and dad... if I find you, you'd just be killed for treason..."[/b][/color] She took a moment to mourn the thought, but only before grabbing her weapons set aside for her new duties and breaking the door down. People were still running around in shock and she needed to take advantage of that. If she didn't, she may never get out alive.[/hider] Hey Nightrunner ... when you finally read this, please tell me if there's anything that needs to be changed. I have a feeling I might have something wrong after her arrival to Earth, but I was trying my best to work with what information I have on me and thinking of what would realistically happen (and yet keep her out of some military prison). [b]Edit:[/b] Done and apparently completed before the GM!~ Haha, I win. :p