Silk did take a silently sweet delight in other spider-men agreeing with her deciding to be hasty. However, when Neo and Ninja interrupted with plans of introductions she couldn't help but cross her arms and look away. Why bother with that when it was a given that not all of them would survive with how extreme the situation was. She licked her lips and felt her heart begin race in excitement. Although it didn't last long with a nice plop into the fountain, she noticed a whimsical spiderman play off falling into the fountain... typical. With a smirk, she tuned back into the conversation. No crowd control for her if she was to be ported directly into the sewers. This made her happy that they already knew she wasn't much for crowd control and wanted a piece of the main action. She pulled her mask on and as she was ported, flipped her hand up and waved her fingers, slyly towards one silly spider-man in particular. Here in the murky, and grunge-filled sewers, already Neo and the hairless ninja spiderman decide to bark orders. Dividing and conquering, finally something spoken she could agree with. Heading two by two? "No thanks." Silk said with her arms crossed. Indeed, she already had plans to ditch them the moment she got there and although the pairs were probably randomized, she couldn't help but take an added insult being told to go two by two with Neo, the one who had objected to her haste earlier. As she began to slip away, she heard Murdock say wait. Something about his voice commanded an authority she would obey this time. "No need to split up. He's that way. We can catch him first if we hurry." Silk darted off towards the way he pointed. Maybe that would give them incentive to stop standing around and do something. If not, it wasn't like she wouldn't attempt to handle this alone. Again the adrenaline pumped through her veins and a rush that she hadn't felt since she began to develop her powers came through. Each slap against the hard water left an echo that bounded off in each direction. If she could concentrate, she'd be able to make each stride a little less booming but with the footsteps trailing behind, she could see it was unnecessary. The sewers became more dimly lit with a fork of six trails this time. Coming to a slower pace, She listened closely, ignoring the footsteps behind her and now she too, could hear a faint voice from the left most. Without so much as a word she went in the direction, as if calling her, daring her to bare witness to the scene. She smiled, they'd be there soon.