[quote=@Vilageidiotx]Heh, that sounds a lot like the controversy that came up in 2004 about both Bush and Kerry belonging to the Skull and Bones society when there were at Yale. Though, that they produced both Bush and Kerry seems to suggest that they are not particularly impressive despite their name...[/quote] The big criticism of the public school -> oxbridge -> high public office from me is obviously the corruption, but that it spits out shiny PR twats with no real character. In the recent election campaign, David Cameron made a prepared joke about his favourite football team: he got the wrong team. Somebody had written his speech for him, made a mistake, and the shiny twat hadn't noticed; his 'human persona' is written for him. He's just a shallow husk of a human that doesn't even have the honesty to admit he doesn't like prole-sports.