First off, I'd like to say that this looks pretty cool, and that I'll be joining. Now, I thought I'd give a little input into things as they are now. I understand that there is probably going to be at least some degree of progression within the context of the roleplay, but I feel like the possibility for making custom minions [i](in the future)[/i] would be pretty cool. Or, at least, changing existing minions into some special, custom sort of thing. Like transmuting a guy using the stone of eternal doom to create some sort of hellish demonic ape from the nether realm. That would be pretty entertaining. Oh, and since I'm not quite done getting ahead of myself, here's a little thing I whipped up while writing this post. It's not really much, but I'm sure it's sufficient to [i]"test the waters"[/i] and see if I have a place in this lovely little roleplay of yours~ [hider=The Greatest Mastermind of Them All][center][img][/img] ([url=]See full sized version[/url])[/center][b]Name[/b]: Alice [b]Age[/b]: "12" [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Personality[/b]: Alice is in possession of an undoubtedly twisted, almost dream-like psychological profile. Her eccentricities and intense delusions are second to none, as is the same with her fondness for tea, cakes and girlish fun. While she could be called cruel beyond all belief, she conceals this nature behind a rather cute, refined persona, which seems to glean much contentment from simply watching as others have all sorts of fun. While she can be a fickle, yet stubborn creature, she is easily fascinated with cute, girlish or otherworldly things, particularly those that relate closely to the fairytales of her delusions. One tactic which can prove invaluable in the face of her malice is to simply play along with her games, as one will often find themselves momentarily spared if they so much as pretend to play along with her childish fantasies. Once slighted, her anger can burn with such intensity that she might [i](calmly, and with a lovely smile upon her face)[/i] lash out at those around her. This may, at times, cause her to unfortunately lose the support of her followers, particularly if they have to watch as their buddy from high-school is eaten before their eyes. In this sense, she could be compared to a great, childish beast, which throws a tantrum when it doesn't get its way. Her end goal is to have the grandest tea party of them all, and to finish off with the most spectacular of cakes. She will paint over the world with her delusions to meet this end, as to be honest, she hasn't really got much else to do. [center][u][b]Abilities[/b][/u][/center][b]Alice's Perfect Tea Party[/b] The power of overflowing youth possessed by the great Demon Lord, Alice, which can be bestowed upon others against their will to transfigure them into the form most suited for attending Alice's tea parties. To put it bluntly, they transform into little girls. Rather than a mere alteration of the physical form, this power could be said to be an all-encompassing conceptual curse that transmutes the victim's very existence into Alice's [i]"Ideal Companion"[/i]. Their minds, bodies and souls become little more than a guest to their mad host's whims, forced to attend her parties and feel the effects of her menace even long after their bodies have been taken by the sweet embrace of death. This power of youth flows from every fibre of Alice's being, but its effects are not quite so easily tasted as her simply willing it. Her prey must either physically touch her, for some extended period of time, or directly consume an abnormally large amount of her essence; whether it be through perceiving her existence, being in close proximity to her or being affected by any magics she possesses for too long. Even thinking about her for too lengthy a period of time can have certain, detrimental effects on the mind, causing one's mental landscape to twist and warp into one in accord to Alice's tastes. She cannot reverse the metamorphosis once it takes place, but conversely, neither can anybody else [i](unless through a means specifically designed to counter her influence.)[/i] Because it is a power formed on the basis of [i]"Enforcing the user's delusions on the world"[/i], this ability is very much the first of the stepping stones that will pave the path to Alice's final, and most terrifying form. Man can only fail to imagine what horrors await the world if she ever gains more power than she already has. [b]Grow, Grow, Grow![/b] If her other power could be said to be an expression of Alice's delusions, this is more-so an expression of the [i]"True"[/i] Alice's nature. She could be called a Demon of the highest calibre, a monstrous creature which feeds off the souls and bodies of others in order to strengthen her own existence and further her influence over the world around her. No matter how her mind or body may warp, she is at her core a being which [i]"Consumes others"[/i], and she will always be driven in some way or another towards this nature. Simply put, this power is the embodiment of a propensity for growth. By [i]"eating"[/i] more, Alice may very rapidly increase her own power, stockpiling a wealth of souls which she may continue to bind to herself for additional strength. Through this, she may unlock the true depths of her demonic potential as well as add on to her already impressive delusions of wonderlands and fairytales. She gains what you could call an [i]"EXP Bonus"[/i], and her parameters are as a whole quite a bit higher than most others [i](given how much she eats)[/i]. ... She's recently been [i]"Bankrupted"[/i], though, so her power isn't nearly what it may have once been. She'll need some time, yet, to reach a level where she's able to be a legitimate threat to the universe at large. [center][u][b]Skills[/b][/u][/center][b]Hostmanship[/b] Alice has hosted a fair number of Tea Parties in her time, and as such has gained quite an insight into how to best make everyone comfortable. While her idea of [i]"comfortable"[/i] may differ from others, her hospitality and care for her guests shouldn't be underestimated, and her table manners could be said to be top-class. [b]Dresscraft/General Sewing[/b] When one is finished turning an entire military platoon's worth of men into cute, obedient little girls, it does you well to know how to create a platoon's worth in cute, girlish dresses. Alice has honed this admittedly fairly useless skill to the point where her dresses are far above those constructed within the realm of mortals, and if she were willing to part with them to just any old person, she could likely sustain all of her economic endeavours on the wings of her dressmaking alone. Alas, however, she has neither will or the motivation to do anything of the sort. So her minions will just have to subsist on Ramen Noodles and Tea, for just a little while longer. [b]Tea-Partying[/b] Probably her most powerful skill of all, which is the skill of tactical, well-executed breaks. Alice's Tea Parties are to die for, and her talents in making the most magnificent party on each and every attempt is what makes her such a wonderful boss to work beneath. When it comes to her Tea Parties, Alice takes everything ab-so-lutely seriously, meticulously preparing each and every little detail, no matter how insignificant, to create the perfect and most enjoyable experience possible. The Tea, the Cakes, everything HAS to be perfect, and it is. How could you possibly not enjoy such a pleasant party, with everything having been crafted with art, and effort, and care? [i]You would have to be mad~![/i] [b]Torture[/b] Until Alice's reign of terror begins, it can be reasonably thought that there is virtually no way to make torture [i]"Cute"[/i]. Alice does anyways.[/hider]