Seji chuckled. "Is the surprise coming from me knowing anout dragonoids, one of my past teachers being one, or my titles as the Ethereal Sage? I doubt it's the latter, as I am by no means the greatest sage alive." Seji seemed amused by the dragonoid's emotional display. Before the conversation could continue, the namekian and his companions showed up and raised hell. They were in and out before anyone could really respond. Seji waited, before hearing the offer for money. "Well...that's The only encouragement I need." Seji whispered a few arcane syllables, before his cloak seemed to rip open to accommodate a pair of huge leathery wings that sprouted from his back. "I bid you, adieu, Dragonoid. We'll have to talk more later, I'm curious about you." He flapped upward, before taking off in the direction of the energy sognatures. He expected he would eb able to get there first and defeat them with his magic before anyone else got there. However, a moment later Seji heard a sonic boom, and turned his head to see a metallic man flying past. Seji whistled in appreciation of the obviously powerful android, and did his best to keep up. "Mind if I hitch a ride!?" He yelled to Maximus, beating his wings furiously in a failed attempt to keep up, "We'd work better together!"