"I see." Sumat replied to Trey's explanations of himself, scratching his goatee slightly. It wasn't exactly the answer he was looking for, but it was good enough that he didn't say something cringeworthy like some other people he'd seen. "Well, as long as you're looking for a balanced experience." He continued, offering his lower right hand for a handshake; a gesture of trust and approval. Once it was received, he found himself looking to the side briefly to check on the other person, if only to make sure he didn't get jealous, which could prove problematic. Luckily, said other person had gone, probably to go off and gawk at the injured fellow. He leaned back and clasped all his hands together again. "I am here because I wish to learn a skill and make myself into something other than... well, a sideshow attraction. Hopefully I'll encourage others to do the same." He explained. As if on cue, it was at this point that he began to sense a noticeable wave of vibrations coming from the direction of the main entrance; in the opposite direction from the injured person and the congregation around them, no doubt filming the poor fellow's pain on their 'smart'phones. Looking in the direction of this new vibration, he raised one eyebrow slightly in the hopes of discerning what it could be, but it was too faint to be certain of anything. He could hear some kind of commotion with his normal hearing, but that could be anything, humans being as unpredictable in their strife as they are. "...Say, I don't suppose you can hear that, can you?" He asked Trey as he squinted in the direction of the commotion; not that it helped his eyesight, it was more of a facial signal. He pulled his chair back and sat up, in case he'd need to go look at it.