[quote=@Rosette Christopher] [hider=Review for Ferdiad and Alice] Okay but what exactly does it do, could you describe its exact effect. I don't think this is famous or good enough to be D rank. You gave him runes, so this entire Noble Phantasm is very redundant as with runes you can already do a no interference duel. Okay so where did you get damage reflection, that was never in the original myth. Also damage reduction doesn't make the most sense for this skin, because it was less of a endurance enhancer and more of a no sell ability that just shrugged off a lot of attacks and that was it. [hr] Where did Alice ever ride anything. [/hider] [/quote] ? Warrior of the Ford is described quite well, its an endurance boost and a power buff against people that are stronger through physical or weapon based means, discounting magecraft. A noble phantasm doesn't have to be famous to have a high rank, and D rank is the lowest of the low considering E ranked noble phantasms hardly exist and I can't even think of one off the top of my head. Ath N Gabla is a runic formation thats inherently attributed to the Knights of the Red Branch, which Ferdiad was not in considering he came from a different tribe than the kingdom of Conchobar, so I have no idea where you are getting this notion from, but if you want to buff the runes more then I'm down with that. The damage reflection is a flavor text that I used more imagination to soup up. His skin was said to be retractable, hence why I gave it an armor look. In addition, its said that no man dared to strike upon Ferdiad which, in a realistic sense, implies that Ferdiad would retaliate with his skilled combat to defeat an attacker, but I interpreted that as being a literal damage returner. Also you shouldn't try to balance in terms of how things fit into mythic canon, considering Nasu takes extreme liberties with myths anyway. I've read the Tain and other sources of the duel and scrapped together a Ferdiad that draws inspiration from many wordings. Horned skin in some instances is just durable skin, while in some instances it took on a monstrous appearance. I went for the rule of cool and make it spiky. But this is just my opinion, though I do believe I have balanced the noble phantasm in terms of power and attributed it correctly to its rank of B+. If you have problems with the creative liberty then I can switch out Ferdiad.