Maximus almost missed it, he barely managed to hear Seji's voice as he was speeding foreword, in that instant he began to slow down, the boosters roaring on his back quieted down to a low hum as he allowed Seji to catch up. With a slight tilt of his head he took in Seji's odd appearance as he caught up. Though Maximus had barely heard what Segi asked, he replayed the audio in his memory and cleared up the voice allowing him to hear what was asked of him. Even though Maximus knew that two fighters were better than one, he believed he alone would be sufficient to take on the three offenders and return what was stolen. He reasoned that with two fighters, the defeat of the offenders would take less time, but this winged person didn't look all that strong, he could get in the way, and become a liability. Maximus didn't want to take that risk, so he turned away from Segi and his boosters went to full burn as he blasted off towards the offenders again, once more creating a sonic boom as he sped off.