Alex was intrigued by the whole particle forms with David's powers. They seemed to be a pretty handy power. It was strange how each mutant could be completely different from another. It made you feel even more special than you already were. As much as he wanted to find someone who had similar powers to him so they could train him he really liked feeling special. When David told him he was in Room 105 his eyes widened and a smirk appeared on his face. To think that he was talking to his roommate the whole time. Before he could reveal that they were roommates David was leaving and he was standing there by himself. He didn't know what else to do so he decided to walk out of the auditorium as well. As he exited he noticed a group of anti-mutant haters who were picketing and vying for the Mutant Registration Act. They were loud enough without the megaphones and now they were really loud. Part of him wanted to knock one of them out and it took a lot to not do so. Instead he walked up to the one with the megaphone and said, "Look. I get that you don't like us but you don't see us walking on your property yelling 'Down with Inbred Redne---'." Before he could finish his sentence he was hit by a flying plastic bottle. Of course it wouldn't have hurt even if he didn't have his aura around him, but that wasn't the point. "Ah, hell. Who am I kidding?" There weren't any tabloids there, right? His parents couldn't know he did what he was about to do. Alex pulled back his right arm and punched the first protester in front of him.