Anise blinked dumbfounded as the girl just up and walked away from her. She just walked away and patted her partner on the shoulder before leaving. She stood up from the table, gracelessly knocking the chair she sat in over. "Wait! Don't just walk away from me!" She had never been so insulted before. She was a princess and even with the circumstances being what they were she expected to be answered when she had a question. She stomped her foot frustrated and she winced slightly as it was one she had injured previously, but her anger didn't stop what she had to say next. "I am Princess Anise Sinclair of the Kingdom of Riverforde! Don't just walk away without answering me!" Even in this forest, when she had spoken people had listened and responded, but this girl was the first to openly walk away from her without saying a thing. The girl had already left the building by the time she had said anything, but she yelled loudly enough that anyone just outside of the building could hear. Only if there was someone else she knew nearby. If she had Tyaelaem with her then maybe, just maybe she could get them to respond. She was all alone, with two strangers. She didn't feel safe at all. Randold and Hania were gone. She never truly felt like a part of the other group she joined with Simon and Talan after she had been separated from her first group. She fell to her knees tears starting to flow freely from her eyes. "Randold, Hania, Tyaelaem... What do I do? I'm all alone." Her shoulders felt very heavy. She shoved her hands into her face and let out a few loud sobs. If it weren't for them, she may very well have not survived for as long as she had in this awful place. Right now, armed or not, she felt very vulnerable indeed.