So, got some roleplays for ya to take a look at. Some I am involved in, some I am not. They range from various forums. [url=]Here’s a casual level fandom star wars roleplay that’s looking for some people to show interest in it.[/url] [url=]The Secrets Under the Clouds[/url]: Roughly 100 years after World War 3, in 5012, a group is going down to earth once more after being forced to make cities in the clouds after the war devastated the surface. Might or might not be your cup of tea, isn’t mine because of some plot-related elements, but hey, you might like it. Free level roleplay. [url=]Allevent, Realm of Caith[/url]: A twist on the fantasy theme, advanced level roleplay, looking for some members at the moment in an interest check. [url=]Rebel Scum[/url]: Another star wars roleplay on a similar basis as the first I linked, however this one is advanced and hosted by a very experienced member ([@HeySeuss]) around here (also one of the moderators). Consider it the first one I linked in essence but with higher quality expected and a host I know to be experienced (not taking a stab at the other one, I just know more of Seuss). If you don’t care about his roleplay or star wars, he is at the least a helpful guy. [url=]Battletech:Forlorn Hope[/url]: Hosted also by Seuss, a casual level roleplay based on the BattleTech fantasy universe. If you don’t know much about it, you can ask him about things, although if you don’t know the first thing about battletech or anything that he brings up it might not be a roleplay for you. I have my eyes set on it but I’m not sure if I can follow through on it. [url=]Harrowmounts Plight[/url]: Fantasy based roleplay, free level, in which you can be a villain, neutral or hero character (it is pretty loose in that respect). It has already started but new players are accepted at any time, I am also one of the GM’s in it. There’s one more nation RP that’s fantasy floating around, but I can’t find the link to it. [url=]Faction: Martian Front[/url]: If you move quick enough and post interest you might be able to get in before it closes. In a nutshell, it is about the weakening power of the government ruling Mars and the various factions in it, from colonies to corporations. If you do get in/hold interest, I wouldn’t mind a business partner extra :) You may also wish to keep an eye on [url=]The Heros[/url], which is currently closed but following a dropout and stagnation of things, it may open up to members at some point. If you like what you see, it may be worth at least expressing interest in, since at the least a replacement for a dropped character is being looked for. Casual level.