[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-197432088_zps0cffe20e.png[/img] [/center] [b]Little Sicily, Lost Haven[/b] The sun had begun to set. Clouds intermingled above the city, their grey mass blocking what little rays of sun light were still left. A crash of thunder, and the flash of a lightning bolt told all who watched the sky above that night that a storm was coming. Water fell from the heavens in great quantity, pouring over the roof to the shrine. Sicilians darted in doors, as the rain increased in volume and intensity. It was as if the skies themselves opened up, weeping over the bloodshed that was no doubt approaching. Two gods would clash soon. They would make battle, and the world would shake. Many people would die. The earth itself would tear in two, and death itself would come up from the depths. The news warned of the possibility of flash floods, informing all who would listen that the storm would continue for quite some time. Across the street from the shrine, within the residence of Eric Saxer, Ceri and the doctor are hard at work. After SuperIOR's goons had been dealt with by Chike and Ares, Eric had decided it was time to begin work on the serum. Ceri had grabbed a handful of people, and set to work gathering the equipment from Eric's old residence. They had sent Varnia to scout out nearby buildings for the other researchers, but he had no luck in finding them. Eric thought that they might return to the old hideout after some time had passed, so Ares had a few sentries put in place in front of the old store. To avoid a repeat of earlier that morning, the guards had been sent with proper arms to defend themselves incase things went wrong. It had only taken a few hours, but the myriad of laboratory devices had been successfully moved into the apartment with no reported complications. Once all the equipment was in place, Eric sat down in front of a chalk board and began brain storming. How were they going to begin? Eric was perplexed, unable to come up with a good starting point. The bonding agent that still alluded him was critical to the serum's success. Yet, the placebo was less than useless for study. He had no idea where to begin his search. That is, until Ceri approached Eric with an idea. "Hey, doc?" Eric turned around in his chair, pointing his bloodshot eyes at the young woman."Yes? What is it, dear?" He replied, glad to have even the slightest break from his work."How are you holding up?" Ceri inquired, as she moved around the lab and toward the chalk board, which Saxer was seated in front of. "I'm fine. Yet..Gah." Eric slumped back into the office chair, turning once more towards the chalk board to look at the list of ideas he had come up with, alongside a string of numbers and letters representing the genetic code of the serum itself. He needed to find the perfect chemical to replace the placebo."What is it? I might be able to help. I'm no scientist, though." Eric shook his head at this."Well, I suppose having someone to bounce my thoughts of wouldn't hurt." The doctor gestured to a nearby chair."Please, take a seat." Ceri stepped around the desk the chairs stood behind and slid into the second office chair."You're looking for a bonding agent, right? Something to connect the liquid energy with the nanobots more efficiently?" Ceri asked, to which Eric replied with a nod."Yes. This wouldn't be nearly as difficult if I had somewhere to start. An equation can't be completed by even the greatest minds if they are unaware of the process in which to solve said equation." Saxer sighed, running a hand through his wily hair. "Well," Ceri began, examining the array of formulas populating the chalk board."Didn't SuperIOR confiscate some of your research and equipment when they raided your team's lab?" Eric gave his compatriot a questioning look."Yes. What of it?" Ceri turned around and faced the desk, flipping open Eric's laptop. She quickly accessed a local news sites, and opened on article on SuperIOR."Have a look." Ceri slid the computer over to Eric, who skimmed the article."SuperIOR is one of the leading experts in bio-organic engineering, and robotics; and they're hosting an expo this weekend at the Harlem Convention Center right here in Lost Haven. Apparently they're unveiling their new 'super soldiers.'" A small smile played at the edges of Eric's lips, as thoughts and ideas rushed into his cranium."Yes! This is perfect! SuperIOR must have been holding on to the bonding agent the whole time, and only wanted us shut down to save money. They must have made billions off the sale to the U.S military. We need to speak to Mr. Baatul when he returns from his most recent escapade." Eric declared, standing to his feet."I'll go wait for him in the shrine. Ares said he'd be back in no time." Ceri stood up as well, and moved towards the door."Alright, I'd best start prepping the lab. We have work to do!" [b]Across the Street, In Ares Shrine[/b] The shrine of Ares - a marvel of human achievement. Built in only a few days, the shrine was nearly identical to the Greeco-Roman architecture featured in the Pantheon in Rome, and the Parthenon in Greece. The shrine stood twice as tall as any of the surrounding apartment buildings, its great marble pillars were as thick as the trunks of the greatest oak trees, and the floors shined in the torch light. Stood near the back wall of the impressive structure was a statue like no other. It pictured Ares, stood over a pair of corpses, his spear impaled into the back of one of his enemies. Ares' muscles were exaggerated, and his face more rugged than granite. To each side of the statue sat two large basins, each burning with an immortal fire, producing enough light to shine throughout the great shrine to the God of War. A portal opened in the very center of the building. Out stepped the monstrously large Ares, who stood nearly four feet taller than Polemos. The beastly god smiled from ear to ear, one huge arm strung over Chike's broad shoulders."We have done it, my warrior! Now the world knows of my existence, and it trembles before my might. I have caused the world's greatest hero to crumble before my might. None shall challenge me. With this new victory, the people shall flock to our horde. They will join us in our war against the rulers of earth, and soon we will be without number!" Ares let go of Polemos as two of his human attendants approached them. Ares handed them his spear and his shield, while taking a cup of wine from another. "Tonight, I shall hold a banquet. Right here, in these halls. We will celebrate the rise of my new kingdom..The Empire of Olympus!" Ares bellowed, before taking a gulp of the drink within his chalice."I came, I saw, and I conquered! Hahahaha!" [color=aba000]"Sir, if I may?"[/color] Chike asked, slinging his shield over his shoulder, alongside his spear. The warrior's sash - a cloth designed to allow a man to carry his spear and shield on his back. It was a simple piece of linen, attached using leather strips and bolts to the carrier's shield. The spear was held in place inside a sleeve on the sash, allowing for quick access in case of an ambush."What is it, my avatar?" Chike cleared his throat, before addressing his god.[color=aba000]"If we're planning on creating an army here...Let me be frank, my liege. We do not have the manpower necessary to conquer this city. We need soldiers, trainers, food, metal workers, supplies, better housing, siege equipment...These are not things that we have. We don't have anyone to teach these people how to fight. We don't have a steady supply of food, outside of what we buy from the locals. We lack architects, skilled laborers, doctors. What we have now is a glorified trash heap. Sir."[/color] Ares set his wine cup down on a nearby table. He frowned, his crimson eyes locked with Chike's."Do you believe me incompetent?" Chike straightened his posture, and set his jaw."[color=aba000]You are a warrior, not a king-"[/color] Ares then shouted, interrupting Baatul.[b]"I AM A GOD!"[/b] Ares stalked towards Chike, each step causing the ground to quake beneath him."You believe me incapable of such frivolous tasks? I command an army of the most advanced automatons this world has ever known. I have access to more resources than half the countries on this rock. Metal workers? Hephaestus lives at my beck and call! You want me to train an army? I gave you thousands of years of experience with a minor surgery. Do not forget, Chike Baatul. I am not your friend. I am not even your king. [b]I AM YOUR GOD."[/b]