[quote=@Queen Raidne] [@Mattmanganon] You've got a couple of broken pictures. Weirdly, they work if I copy-paste the link into my address bar. Specifically, they're the Levinti male appearance and the Kellicus-class Air-space Fast Attack Mecha. I find the concept of military-by-senate endearingly bureaucratic (which is a [good?] thing). Hmm. Have you been watching [i]Babylon 5[/i] lately? :P ...anyway, I was starting to get a little alarmed by the planet-ship, but was relieved to see its [color=#DDBBEE][i][b]planet-busting superweapon[/b][/i][/color] completely and irrevocably destroyed as well as no motivation to remake it. Plus, you know, you don't have FTL. So that helps your case. Accepted. [/quote] They do have FTL, but they rarely use it. Only really using it for scouting ahead of the rest of the fleet, or branching out to look for signs of their lost race. And, of course, for looking for dead planets to mine.