I was watching the videos of EvanNova98 and I just got done watching his answers to the 'Answers to a Star Wars Questionnaire' video and I thought to see what other members of the guild would say in regards to the questions in the video. 1. Jedi or Sith? Pick one and explain why. 2. What is your favorite planet in the Star Wars Universe? 3. Lightsaber type, color, and [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber_combat]combat style[/url]? Why did you pick these specific styles? 4. Favorite Star Wars Species and why? (Humans included) 5. Favorite Star Wars Vehicle? 6. If you were a jedi who would you want to be your master (who would teach you?) 7. If you were a Sith who would you want to be your master (who would teach you?) 8. What would be your sith name? 9. What is your favorite star wars movie? 10. What is your least favorite star wars movie? 11. If you could write your own novel in the star wars universe what would it be about? What Era? 12. Which film has the best soundtrack? 13. In your opinion what is the best thing about the Expanded Star Wars Universe? 14. In your opinion what is the WORST thing about the Expanded Star Wars Universe? 15. What does Star Wars mean to you? === Look forward to any answers you guys may post.