[color=9e0b0f]Jareth:[/color] "Just the two of us, don't be so quick to count us out, brother. The Blackmoore's destroyed one of our locations, we have others, and they only did it because we had one of their own. We are out of this fight, if you so will it." His smile glinted in the limited light of his apartment. "But if you are looking to cause a little trouble, I'm always up for it." Jar said as he hopped "But first, let's go drain a virgin or two, shall we?" [color=6ecff6]Beatrix:[/color] "Burning brothels... what an odd thing to do. I hope you did your research first, not all women are victims to the profession, not all are in need of saving." Trixy whispered to him, she couldn't hide the fact that this revelation disturbed her; Both him having another progeny that she knew nothing about, and this snip it from his past. But, when you live as long as they both have, she supposed you couldn't help but have secrets and things left unsaid. If he burned brothels, what then did he think of her? She, who was openly a madame to more than one house throughout the ages... she was french, after all. That being said, he didn't know the type of house she kept, that the women were always willing, they were sometimes vampires, and that lured in wealthy men, men of power, and traded sex for money and most importantly, for secrets that could be used to steal the power from the men, and give it to the women.