[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/apUL8dE.jpg[/img] [h1][color=lightsalmon]KOARIN IMHERA[/color][/h1] Koarin is Draconian, more specifically a Drakaina. It is often assumed they were created by the interbreeding of human and dragon. Whatever their origin their numbers are even more scarce than that of dragons which are quite illusive in their own right. Before the advancements in technology there was little to fear from humans. Still most kept their distance as humans were prone to attack the "unholy" creatures. When the War of Supremacy broke out most of her kind tried to defend themselves. Even with new weapons the main advantage that humans had over dragon kind was numbers. With each victory humanity grew bolder and eventually came for the den. In the battle Koarin's husband and child lost their lives with she barely escaping the same fate. Stricken by grief and rage there was a time when she would descend on unsuspecting soldiers and scorch the earth where they stood. In more recent years she has quelled her anger, having become weary of fighting.[/center] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/PagrFGx.jpg?1[/img] [h1][color=lightsteelblue]ANNA[/color][/h1] Originally a lifeless pool of chemicals. The future being was fortunate to reside in a pit where human sacrifices were made. Often the individuals were young girls. Of course that didn't matter as all were dissolved equally. What little did remain slowly began to culminate into a consciousness. Various weak memories formed a persona, Anna. Anna lived to eat it seemed, but increasingly became more picky about consuming the minds of its victims, adding the thoughts and memories to its own. She, as it had come to identified itself, still lacked any means to move or escape the pit though. The concept of time was not really a thing perceived by the loosely sentient slime. However it had to have been hundreds of years before the War of Supremacy started. What used to be only human women started to become other more unusual beings that were thrown into the pit. One such was a young Necromancer. Her knowledge and power was unlike anything else Anna had encountered. Whilst consuming the helpless woman her connection to the dark arts took hold. The formless slime began to cling to the bones of her last meal. Scared and confused the new creature took the shape of a woman around the skeleton and climbed its way out. As one might expect she did not fare well on her own. Most of her fragmented memories were from the young innocent girls that had yet to experience the world. Thankfully she was found by the Engineers and brought to Voldoa. There she essentially serves as a trash collector, picking up and dissolving the discarded material. Having been doing this for a while she has since split off into multiple other slime blobs that share a hive mind. Working together only one currently houses a skeleton and is considered capable of individual thought, that being Anna herself.[/center] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oM9vGYu.png[/img] [h1][color=plum]LILLIAN GERALD[/color][/h1] Lillian is a relatively young for a fairy. How she got in this position is quite confusing even to her. It wasn't even really that long ago to be honest. Injured and alone in a forest after an encounter with humans she found herself being brought to Voldoa by her own kind. Their first stop was the clinic as her tiny body needed medical attention.[/center]