[center][u][b]Name:[/b] [/u] Freyan de Garcon [u] [b]Race:[/b] [/u] Human [u][b]Class:[/b] [/u] Chevalier, Sword and Shield Warrior [u][b]Appearance:[/b] [/u] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/17/5c/ec/175cec44ed977ee3744eaab836f20eba.jpg[/img] [/center] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] A gentle and knowing smile is usually what is cast about Freyan's face. He acts mature for his age a sense of honor having been grilled into him at a young age, always the hero and gentlemen. A hero of the every man he is the first to jump to somebody's aid and offer a helping hand when needed even if the situation would bothersome for himself. All in all he is exactly what you don't want to be growing up in Orlais, his betters and peers considered him weak for having the common decency to look out for those around him and his parents bemoaned the fact that if he just stopped giving a damn about others he could be a perfect little noble. But Freyan is a stubborn one never giving way in his ideals and his outlook on life, his convictions and beliefs are what give him the strength to hold up his shield against a myriad of attackers and protect his fellows. In his mind he would wish to be a hero of yore but it seems that every time he tries to be one, he just ends up messing things up more. Freyan always walk with a sense of pride backed by a steady stride trying his best to keep his own insecurities at bay. Outwardly one would assume he was a pretty serious person always caring about the mission and the people but in the rare moments of relaxation that come to him so infrequently you may see another kind of person. A man that doesn't mind a joke and will try and tell his own, mindful that in reality he never really knows any good jokes. He will take part in the drinking of drinks and the telling of tales of his heroics of course they are made a bit taller to make his tales of heroics maybe just a little bit bigger. For why say you saved a girl from one bear when you can say that you saved a girl from four bears? These petty lies seem like nothing to Freyan as they are not really hurting anyone are they? His kind deposition makes him a good person to talk to about life sometimes as he waxes philosophically about the nature of it all making you wondering if he is answering your question or just possessing more towards himself. In the end though when it comes down to it he is still pretty young. Sure he's an excellent warrior and got the confidence to swing his sword around in battle but he is still just trying to figure things out. He knows he wants to be a hero, to be a good person but he doesn't exactly know what that means. He has questions of his own, he wonders every day if he made the right move to leave the Cheavalier's and become a wandering adventure. Did he make the right choice or was he just flailing about trying to put off the undeniable end for as long as possible by playing hero. Was what everyone said about him right? Is He just some idiot? He hopes not. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Freyan was born in Val Royeaux the third son of an affluent noble. With so many sons and those ahead of him being ready to take over the family line Freyan himself deiced to concentrate on his martial skills. Freyan studied his sword play with the instructor his father hired for him, he studied languages and culture underneath a bard who had a long service with his family. He studied history specifically military history with his tutors studying everything from blights, to exalted marches and wars learning the ways of heroes and generals and their military strategy. His parents scolded him for not paying attention in his etiquette classes and instead drawing pictures of knights and battle plans always thinking about his next sparring session. Eventually though Freyan was old enough to join the legendary Cheavalier's of Orlais. Cheavlier's training is legendary in the severity and intensity. He packed up as little more than a young men and went off to be molded into a warrior. The Academie des Chevaliers in Val Royeaux became his new home away from home as he was trained in the ways of Thedas' most feared men at arms. They broke Freyan down into nothing so that they could rebuild him into a weapon of war, out were his old ways of thinking and replaced by the constant strict code of discipline and honor that the Chevaliers lived by for their entire lives. They were taught what at the time Freyan believed to be the merits of a real hero, to defend the weak and to fight for your honor no matter how terrible the foe. He was drilled in history knowing more about the world then he could ever before. He knew of Fereldan barbarians, Antivian assassins and Rivain shamans. He learned of templars and mages and studied with all his willpower until he was well versed and felt comfortable with his knowledge of the world. A knowledge that as an adventure now is very grateful to have learned. But The Academie des Chevaliers was not just a place of learning it was also a place of combat. Relentless training which essentially beat the participant's body into submission was brutal yet held very effective results. The instructors look to hone a level of tremendous power and finesse into each and every recruit forging them into weapons. They fought in the morning, night snow, rain, warm, cold nothing kept them from sparring not even sickness. Because of this Freyan has a natural proficiency in combat both ranged and closed, heavily armed and lightly armed. While he like most Chevaliers prefer to fight in their heavy bulky armor with his sword and shield. He was trained to be adaptable and could fight in any condition his instructors made sure of it and Freyan has the scars, welts and old bruises to prove it. Some time later Freyan made it and became a full fledged Cheavalier but soon he found himself disheartened. The tales of gallantry that he grew up hearing of these men were all lies. They were cynical and haughty folk who believed that because of their training that they deserved some sort of honor. They did not fight for it but rather used their political prowess to get what they wanted. They abused the peasantry because of their status and left those they did not to die at the hands of bandits. They only gained pleasure in delivering pain and violence to anyone that would stand up to them. They were not the heroes that Freyan thought they were and soon he became lost. Eventually he grew tired of the mockery of heroism that these men presented and in the middle of the night he left Val Royeaux never to return to the Academie des Chevaliers. He stowed away aboard a boat that was making its way to the Free Marches. It was here that he started out as a mercenary doing deeds of heroism to pay the bills at the inn. It was a harder life than the one that he once lived but a more fulling one. His former training as a Chevalier allowed him great prowess and ability against bandits, monsters and the like and for once in his life he felt as if he was doing something good. [u][b]Skills:[/b] [/u] Chevalier's Step Ring the Bell Great Lunge Assault Grappling Chain