Done [center] [color=39b54a]Name: Ezmeralda Beryl Age: 17 Race: Human Appearance: [img][/img] -Height ~ 5’9” -Weight ~ 150 Ibs Color: Emerald Green Personality: Ezmeralda is a feminine, empathetic and maternal young woman with thick skin and a soft voice. She follows her heart and never changes her mind once she believes in something and will do anything to get what she wants to achieve. While she is caring and protective of many ranging from strangers to loved one, she is not a gentle person, and those who mean to harm others will see she can be unapologetically angry, unforgiving, vengeful and even petty. Weapon: The Wind’s Serenade [img][/img] [hider=] The Wind's serenade is a pair of bladed fans it has an elegance and dangerous feel to it. Compact but yet dangerous, especially when paired with her Semblance. It has two form. Fan formation which is at it most dangerous, which allows her to slash and use her Semblance to create giant gust of winds. The dagger formation while weaker compared to the fan formation has the ability to stab enemies and to hang off it when it stabs into something, easily supporting her weight. This formation is more of a utility tool compared to the other form. [/hider] Semblance: Ezmeralda semblance allows her to create, shape and manipulate air. She can create mini tornadoes and burst of compressed air. She can decrease wind resistance to run faster and jump higher, she can increase wind resistance to soften a landing for herself and others. Backstory: Ezmeralda was born and raised in Vale. Her mother was a Huntress, as well as all the women in her family. So the moment Ezmeralda was born her life was already decided. She embraced her future of hunting. The little free time her mother had she trained her in all the ways to survive her encounters with grimm and dangerous people. She was raised to believe in what it means to be a huntress, to protect the innocent and destroy the guilty. Her family's training technique was to make every woman into a living weapon. Her mother and grandmother often brought her hunting trips to see what it means to be a huntress. She remembers theses times with both fear and nostalgia, she remembers loving spending time her family, but has always feared when she got seriously injured when they make her fight grimm by herself and only lending a hand when the grimm was about to kill her. But she never saw anything wrong with this way of teaching since her mother went through it and her mother's mother went thought the same thing. And, it made her one of the few in her academy to directly fight and kill grimm without supervision and by herself. Her childhood had made her kind yet dangerous. As expected of her. She signed up for Beacon so she can be the Huntress that is expected of her. [/color] [/center]