[Indent][h3]Your Characters:[/h3][/indent] Character sheets will be created following the template below and submitted to the OCC for review. Once you have gained GM approval you may post them here. On further note it is important to give you some sort of reference upon who your characters are. Your group of adventures (I.E the heroes, protagonists, etc) are members of The Iron Mountain Adventuring Company in all of its splendor. Iron Mountain hires out adventures of all shapes, races and backgrounds to take on missions and so whoever you are they will find a place for you. It is important for you to note in your history exactly how and why they joined up with Iron Mountain. Anything like rivals and branches to be used later for subplots should most likely be included in there as well. I want the CS to not just be a reflection of the Character but I also will judge the CS upon your own merit to see if I feel you are going to fit well in this story. [h3][i]CS Template[/i] [/h3] [noparse][center][u][b]Appearance:[/noparse][/b][/u][/center] Picture or written description or a combination of both. [noparse][center][u][b]Name/Nickname:[/noparse][/b][/u][/center] [noparse][center][u][b]Quote:[/noparse][/b][/u][/center] [noparse][center][u][b]Gender:[/noparse][/b][/u][/center] [noparse][center][u][b]Race:[/noparse][/b][/u][/center] [noparse][u][b]Personality:[/noparse][/b][/u] A couple of paragraphs so we can get a good grasp. [noparse][u][b]History:[/noparse][/b][/u] Once again the more paragraphs the nicer. [noparse][u][b]Martial Skills:[/noparse][/b][/u] Combat skills are they good at shooting, stabbing, sneaking, torture, etc? [noparse][u][b]Passive Skills:[/noparse][/b][/u] What mundane things are they good at. [noparse][u][b]Magic Skills:[/noparse][/b][/u] Magic Y/N and if so what type? [noparse][u][b]Inventory: [/noparse][/b][/u] What do you have in your pockets [noparse][u][b]Other:[/noparse][/b][/u] A total mystery [Hider=Example CS] [center][u][b]Appearance: [Img]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/002/862/Re2idh_c.jpg[/img] [/b][/u][/center] [center][u][b]Name/Nickname:[/b][/u] Hiro Protagonist, [i]Eggs[/i], 25[/center] [center][u][b]Quote:[/b][/u] [i]words,words,words[/i][/center] [center][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [/center] [center][u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Example[/center] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Happy things are happy until they are sad. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] He was born and then he died. [u][b]Martial Skills[/b][/u] Stabbing, Shooting, Sneaking [u][b]Passive Skills:[/b][/u] Cooking, runemaking, bird calls [u][b]Magic Skills:[/b][/u] Primordial & Arcane [u][b]Inventory: [/b][/u] The dead soul of a god, evil things, unmentionables [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] WOoOoOt. [/hider]