[b]Name:[/b] Panril Ashiva [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Class:[/b] Two Handed Warrior. Wields a sword that is nearly as long as her, Tank. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/188/f/c/rorie_lavellan_by_ganumedes-d7pkg74.png[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Extremely fun-loving and childish. Panril is an extrovert – permanently friendly, forgives easily and considers everyone who she has met to be a friend. She is rather impulsive, jumping to conclusions or being the first one to run down a dangerous path. This is likely due to her high energy, which always seems to be unending. Her rather fun-loving nature makes her pleasant to be around. She is extremely loyal to whoever leads her, often carrying out tasks without second thought. And while all of this is rather fine, she can get extremely violent and rebellious when times call for it. She might seem like all fun and flowers, but she knows and loves to bash heads. Despite her bright exterior, Panril suffers from low self-esteem. She constantly needs to be with friends to feel safe and comfortable, and fears a life alone. Panril has really bad abandonment issues. If you tell her you are going out to the store she will whip out the puppy-dog eyes until you take her along. She often wonders if her friends find her clingy and obnoxious and constantly fears their rejection. Panril is also extremely ashamed of her linage. She is a city Elf. Panril often feels out of place with the 'wild' elves, wishing she knew more of her people. She tries to sneak in elvish words whenever she can, but still feels nervous around other elves. [b]Backstory: [/b] Panril always thought she knew her place in the world. She was born and raised in an elven alienage and knew no other life outside of a cramped apartment and humans spitting slurs at her. Her father was a cobbler and her mother sewed beautiful dresses, but Panril never had the privilege of wearing either. Panril herself was given a job at the Docks, hauling cargo all day to be payed measly bits. Her mother had left her clan in order to marry an elven apostate mage, whom was not permitted entrance to the clan because of his dabbles in blood magic. And so her mother and father were forced to live in an alienage. Panril knew that her mother was unhappy in the dismal and dirty conditions of their living space, but always kept a brave face. Some of her most treasured memories was listening to her mother sing elven lullabies and tell her stories of the Creators. She was always acutely aware of the injustices against elves. Panril was never able to find a regular job. It was always mercenary and dirty work. She wasn't allowed to join the city guard, on claims that elves were a bit too fragile. Panril never found herself to be particularly stealthy, not finding pick pocketing to be her forte, and instead took a different direction when it came to her weapon of choice. She figured if she couldn't live on finesse, she would aim to deal as much damage as possible with as big of a sword as she could carry. But a disturbance in the monotony of life would soon arrive. One day Templars arrived in the alienage, demanding that all mages were to come out of hiding. They threatened that anyone found harboring a Mage would be arrested. Panrils father, not wanting to cause trouble for his wife and child, turned himself in. Despite him being a blood Mage the Templars decided to show 'mercy' to him. Instead of executing him he was made tranquil. Panril watched as all of the life was drained from his face, and he was moved to the Gallows to sell goods. After this Panril became a lot more reckless. She took on more dangerous mercenary jobs. She found the adrenaline rush was good at distracting her from the pain of losing her father. And while she was still the excitable and happy elf, she started to doubt herself more. She stopped making relationships with anyone. She only spoke to her mother, who she thought was the only good thing left in her life, and rarely was seen during the day. Even after the mages were granted their freedom Panril was left nervous. [b]Skills: [/b] [u]Pommel Strike:[/u] [i]You lash out with a fast strike that briefly stuns your target.[/i] [u]Mighty Blow:[/u] [i]You deliver a powerful attack that crumples foes, leaving them knocked down for a short time[/i] [u]Whirlwind:[/u] [i]You spin with your weapon outstretched, cutting through any enemies in your path.[/i]