[center] [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/315/a/b/anime_girl_render_2_by_sakura_mina-d6tvxnw.png[/img] Kairi Akatsumi |Female|Bisexual|19|Neutral about Match| Likes: ♡Junk food ♡Jogging to clear her mind ♡Having fun with those she cares about Dislikes: -Mean people -Bullies -Her harassers Personality: Kind|Open Minded|Easily Distracted|Affectionate|Talkative Kairi is a girl who chases all things that she deems as fun. And don't get her started on the things she already likes. She will ramble for hours on end, especially if she really likes the subject matter. Bio: Kairi is a shapeshifter that only has the ability to grow or shrink. Her parents, not wanting her or her siblings to be bullied or get into an accident at school, home-schooled her for her whole life until her sister found about Matched. While she isn't completely for the Matched program, she would like to give it a chance, at least for her sister's sake. [/center]