[quote=@thatguy] What if at the party that the cops are busting, everyone gets busted by the Big Bad (Department of Genetically Identified and Surviellance Handlers. Otherwise known as the DOGIS Handler's, or The Doggy's Handlers. Or the scary term: The Dogs. [/quote] That sounds good. That would give everyone a common enemy in The Dogs of the Mutant Registration act. Although, I can see the two of us going the way of Proffesor X and Magneto given that Mika would most definitely take advantage of the opportunity to party with Ashmore and become friends in the process. Actually I was hoping to work out some kind of history with our characters sort of like friends from different worlds. It would give Mika more of a connection to the movement instead of just running off and using her powers to steal whatever she wants, which is basically what she would do if she didn't have someone to balance out her criminal nature.